Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Random Things

I posted this on Facebook and am adding it here. I won't tag anyone b/c I only know a couple of Blogger folks right now :) Though if you are reading this, comment, I'd like to get to know you!

1. I always wanted 5 kids. I'm one short.

2. I have a pen pal I met thru Teen magazine in 1987. We were in each other's weddings and still write (though now it's email).

3. I have a thing with real dairy. I will never return to a restaurant that serves coffeemate instead of real from-a-cow cream.

4. I feel the same way about butter vs. margarine.

5. And the same with sugar/sweetener.

6. I like to walk thru graveyards and read tombstones.

7. I was 21 when I had my first drink. My best friend was getting married the next day and my mom bought us some champagne. I hated it.

8. I snack on sharp cheddar cheese.

9. I feel like I'm closer to heaven when I eat GOOD creme brulee.

10. I am always barefoot at home. I'd be barefoot everywhere if allowed.

11. I exclusively breastfed Isaac and Elijah for a year without giving them anything else.

12. I have been known to go to the movie theater just to buy popcorn, then leave.

13. My entire life I have always become the best of friends with someone who was soon to move away.

14. I had not read a book since the birth of Noah (he's 8) until I picked up Twilight. I read it in one day, then read the rest of the series (including the on-line Midnight Sun) in a week.

15. I will freak out at the sight of an English bulldog.

16. I like my steak very well done. If it looks like charcoal on the outside, great.

17. David and I met at Super Summer. We were both camp counselors.

18. I never sing in the car (or anywhere else), unless I'm practicing a song I have to perform.

19. I was in the top 10 at Miss Arkansas in 1996.

20. I really wanted to go on the Price is Right with Bob Barker and am seriously sad that I won't get to do that.

21. I've been baptized 3 times. As a baby (in a methodist church), at age 9 (after 'walking the aisle), and at age 21... 7 years after experiencing God's irresistible grace.

22. There was a time that I thought drums were evil and had no place in worship. I thought contemporary christian music belonged in my car, not in my church. Several years ago I listened to a sermon by Dr. John Wright about how wrong it was to feel that way. I felt like God Himself slapped me in the face and told me to wake up. 'It's not about me and what I want' kept ringing in my head. I fully and completely changed, instantly.

23. I am the most forgetful person I have ever met. If I've met anyone worse than I, I forgot.

24. I can out-eat anyone if eating crab legs.

25. I will often drink coffee rather than eat lunch. Coffee IS my breakfast.


  1. This list is awesome! I have to be honest...I love me some flavored coffeemate and margarine. HA! I'll make sure to have real cream if you come over for coffee though! Does half&half count? I always have that on hand. :) I think it's awesome that you're still friends with someone that you met through Teen Mag in 1987! And I totally agree with your comment about good creme brulee! :)


  2. Becca,

    You forgot two items that I shall add:

    (26). If David didn't believe in God's grace before marriage, he certainly did after it, having been granted, by God's unmerited favor, such a great wife and mother of his children!

    (27). Your honesty is refreshing for those of us who have grown accustomed to the Southern Baptist art of subterfuge and plastic Christianity.

    Blessings to my Little Rock friends,


  3. I like your blog.

    anyone who uses irresistible grace in a sentence is fine by me!
