Saturday, January 31, 2009

Free Giveaway at the Shabby Nest! Register by Sunday for a chance to win a cute little necklace.


  1. How do you transfer all your xanga blogs onto disk?

  2. Girl, you don't know how excited I was to click on your picture in my following box and find out you were a choir teacher! Yeahhhhh!!!! Woman after my own heart. We're working on raising our own choir (and they double as accompanists too) here at home.

    And, you are a Shabby Nest fan... Wendy is a gem. Love her.

    So glad to meet you and I'm excited to check back with you often. I'm heading over to check out Wendy's blog right now!

    Take care,
    Pretty Organizer

  3. your header is gorgeous...what blessings we have as moms, don't we?(yes, the good, bad and ugly...probably just like with your
