Saturday, May 30, 2009

Peach Butter

I've never had it, but as soon as I started reading about canning peaches... I knew I wanted it. It seemed like a better thing to make than just slicing and preserving peaches. I *thought* I'd freeze some sliced peaches, and can some peach butter. That was before the crows got 75% of 'em. I really didn't have enough to do any canning. Half the ones I picked were ready to be eaten. The other half have to ripen a bit. We ate a few last night and much to the dismay of my kids who wanted to devour the rest, I made peach butter... small batch as it was.

I had to set it in the window in order to take a picture... battery was too low for a flash. But that's it. I'm sure we'll eat it all this week! I tasted it and I think I could eat it as soup. This is where I got the "how to."

I forgot about these pictures until I saw them when uploading the peach butter pic...

These were taken at my mom's.

She has a huge playset in her massive backyard. The grandkids lucked out when they moved.

Playing with bubbles in the front yard. I think Elijah and Noah were with Daddy when these were taken.

ha... falling...


1 comment:

  1. I'm still working on some homemade apple butter my Mom gave me a while back. It's pretty phenomenal. Eating it like, that's an idea.

    Re: the bubbles...I drank some of that bubble liquid once when I was a kid. Seriously, came in from playing, was thirsty, turned the bottle up and took a big swig. Thankfully, I didn't get sick, but I don't recommend it.
