Thursday, August 20, 2009


I never have anything to share after a visit to the doctor. It's always a quick in and out. I never have any questions, just get to pee in a cup, check blood pressure, and hear the heartbeat. Pretty uneventful, thank goodness.
Today's visit wasn't a whole lot different, he just said I was measuring 33 weeks rather than 31. No surprise there b/c I said early on that I was ahead of the Oct 21 due date they set for me. Ultrasounds have indicated the same. And to measure another week ahead just means this one is normal for me. Abigail was 8lbs 3oz 9 days early (on own), Noah was 8 lbs one week early (induced and his due date was set by ultrasound since I didn't have a LMP to go by), Isaac was the small one at 7 lbs 3oz 6 days early (on own, induction was scheduled for the next day) and Elijah was 8 lbs 6oz one week early (induced). So, I expect this one to be around 8 lbs and a week early... the question is whether or not I'll be induced or go on my own. I'm guessing induced... but we shall see.
The surprise was my weight gain. I'd only gained a pound and a half since my previous visit 4 weeks ago. I feel like I've gained at least 5 lbs, but I do go at the same time of day with each visit. It'd be nice if I could only gain a few more lbs, but I know at the very end a pound a week isn't unusual. My doctor said my weight looks "great" and I wonder if he's looking at my blood pressure number rather than weight... cuz it is NOT great to me! I am bigger than I've ever been in the past. Suppose that comes with being 35 and all. But UGH I am really going to hate losing it! I'm glad my church has all that brand new work out equipment b/c I will definitely be putting it to use!
Here's some pictures of my cutie as we were leaving preschool:

He likes to put on his backpack :) I was trying to take a picture so you could read "Elijah" on the back, but he had to turn around and say "cheese!"

He stopped for a drink and is even saying "cheese" here.

Then we got outside and he wanted to follow the feet painted on the sidewalk.

Us at home, sitting in a chair, a common sight.


  1. That little E is so darn cute! :)

    I wish I could just gain 1 lb every four weeks! I've gained 19 lbs so far...ugh.

  2. I think you look great.

    How is everyone liking school?
