Saturday, August 1, 2009

We have a name!

I am so happy! Today has been a busy day. I got a LOT done, that always makes me happy. I've had baby on my mind all day. You might think that is the norm when he is wiggling around inside you all the time, but with 4 kids and a lot to do, it is very easy to have other things on my mind. But today has been all about getting ready for baby. I sorted thru all the clothes and washed what was in the attic. Thankfully I had just moved what Elijah wore from one drawer to another and didn't have to wash all that. I have found I have very little that is not summery. I cleaned out one of the big drawers in the alcove to put the baby's clothes in. One has been storing toys for Elijah, one has had his clothes. The other has photo albums. It will be so easy to just move them over once Elijah outgrows them into new baby's drawer. Sure, they are 2.5 years apart, but these are BIG drawers, so the bottom of the drawer will work just fine :)
I also washed the carseat and put the new cover on. I put Abigail's old Bitty Baby in it to test the strap length. She's wearing what Isaac came home from the hospital in. I always buy one preemie outfit for that purpose. B/c though my babies are typically over 8 lbs, 0-3 mos still swims on them... for a week, then I've got them even fatter. Elijah was a bit confused about the funny looking baby in it...

I also picked out some items at I know... 5th baby... don't need to be registering, but it is still fun to "virtual shop" nonetheless. So that's what I did! It's good to have a list for myself.
And THEN the best of all things... David is outside reading (and smoking a cigar). I went out there and he told me to check my twitter. I figured he'd made some comment about my tweet that a frog had attacked me (it did, I'm telling you... scared the bejeebies out of me). I was on my blackberry and it was being slow, so I told him I'd have to check it inside.
Shock of all shocks... this is what it said: Baby to be named Levi Owens Sanders. Owens was the surname of Becca's ancestor who fought against King George III's tyranny in 1776.
I'm so happy! Levi is a name I have loved for a long time, but David just couldn't get beyond the jeans thing. I guess he finally did b/c lo and behold... that's the name :) We use family last names as middle names... have for all the kids. Stephen Owens is a great great, etc grandfather who fought in the Rev. War. I have his pension papers in order to join the DAR, but I haven't done it.
SO, that's it! I'm soooo happy. I love the name. There was no other name I even liked, let alone love.


  1. That's so wonderful that you have a name!!! And it is a very, very nice one.

    On another note, that carseat cover looks AWESOME!

  2. I love that name! And I think it's hilarious that he didn't just tell you, he sent you inside to read his twitter comment! HA!

  3. Levi!! Yay!!!! I'm so glad you got the name you love! And tell David I'm impressed with his creativity in telling you. :)

  4. Beautiful husband is Levi Ross Campbell III. All my 4 girls would have been Levi had they been boys. Then I got my boy on number 5 and God told us to name him Benaiah. :) Love your name!
