Thursday, September 3, 2009

5.5 weeks left

Really? That's all I have? I can't believe it is here. Well, not HERE, but dang close!
Went to doc and all is good. He said we could probably get an induction scheduled for Oct 13 or 14 at the next visit. I was hoping to teach honor choir on the 13th, but I really (REALLY) want my doctor to deliver, so I don't want to delay and risk not having him. My mom also scheduled a closing on the 15th so it'd be good for her to be able to go on home and stay there, though she is willing to go home and come back if it isn't until the 14th. Her birthday is the 13th, so they might be sharing :) *MY* birthday is the 28th (of Sept). I never think much of it, but especially this time. I'm not looking forward to turning 36, ouch. All I want is to get the bonus room fixed. Last year, I wanted mulch in all the flower beds. I like projects :)
I asked if Levi was head down. I thought he was. I think he has been for a while, though he flips from side to side a lot. Doc confirmed that he is head down, so that's good. They don't usually turn right-side up once they get upside down.
We have a dumpster in our driveway in order to finish cleaning out the bonus room. DAVID GOT THE PERMIT TODAY. Hurray Hurray. Inspection will be Tuesday. Only problem with that is someone has to be here all day long. And I really hope David can work from home most of the day b/c it would STINK to have to take a personal day (only get 2) to wait for an electrician. I'd much rather use them next semester when there is a conflict with childcare or something. Not to mention how much I'm trying to get done at school before being off. The All Region music is really difficult... trying to get it in their little heads and also prepare them for this PBS special we're doing... and teach them another song to sing in chapel before I leave. I need to be there.
But after that is done, we can get the drywall up, paint, carpet, finish, and then WE'RE done. It can still get done before Levi.
I lugged stuff out of the backyard today. We've had a kiddie table for years that I keep trying to salvage. I've spray painted it with paint that supposedly adheres to plastic... but it really doesn't. And it keeps coming apart and is a pain to put together. Cute little table... but it needed to go. I didn't think I'd be able to get the pool out, but I did. I couldn't get it IN the dumpster, but I got it to the driveway. It served us two full summers, worth the $40 steal I paid for it. It got a hole in the top ring that is filled with air. I had to pump it up every day to keep it from collapsing. But I'm done with it now. Last year it sat wadded up on our patio all winter. I don't want it there again. That's the only problem with those things. No good place to store them. There was some other junk out there I got rid of. There is more on the side of the house, but I'm leaving that for David. I got more than I thought I'd be able to get. I'm glad we've had a weather reprieve this summer. I got hot, but nothing like I normally would have this time of year.
Just found out one of Noah's teammates broke his collar bone at the game the other night. Nice. They didn't know he broke it at the time, found out today. Flag football is supposed to avoid these types of injuries!


  1. It kind of freaks me out to read that you have a little over 5 weeks left - because I'm right behind you! :)

  2. Oh, wow. I was just reading your most recent post and saw that your Noah is playing LifeChamps football, and I was thinking how that might be fun for MY Noah, and then *YIKES!* Now I read a kid has a broken collarbone!! It's going to be so HARD to be a mom to all these BOYS, isn't it? :)
