Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Doc said once you get to 4 cm things tend to go fast and that's where I was about 30 min ago. I predicted 1 once the pit started and the nurse just said it would probably be around lunch.
Since E woke up so early he'll go down early. It may work out just fine. David's parents will get the boys from school.
(Isaac's field trip was cancelled due to rain)
It is so odd that I can feel Levi kick but not the contractions- though I can tell they are stronger. No pain but I can feel the tightening.
Oh and I got to have a decaf latte :). Doc actually said clear liquids- but nurse said she wouldn't tell if I stole a few sips. I felt sooo much better after that. I hate having an empty tummy and ice chips don't do a thing!
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1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are posting updates while in labor...you are amazing!! I LOVE IT! :) You look beautiful in the pics below. Can't wait to see Levi!!

    Praying for you guys.

