Thursday, October 1, 2009


I took Elijah to David at school, traded cars so he could go run a school errand with E while I went to the doc. Got to the doc and didn't wait long before going back, that is always good. While waiting for the nurse, I saw my doc walk by, I smiled and he looked stoic. I thought "oh that's not good." And then I heard someone say "did they lose the baby?" and saw the other person nod :( I teared up and then my nurse walked in. I told her I'd overheard. I have no idea who those people were, I only saw them walk by, but I'm sure they could use prayer.
Everything is good with me. Blood pressure was fine. I was a little worried about that since my ankles have started to swell. I've been sleeping with them elevated and that has helped. Dr. B asked me if I thought I'd make it til the 13th. I said, "I hope so!" He didn't see any reason why I wouldn't and has been surprised, this being my 5th child, that I haven't really progressed any. That's good though. I'm glad to know my body can handle all these pregnancies :) He asked me who I wanted to see next week. I said, "yeah... about that..." and told him I'd like to just skip it and see him on the 13th. He counted up the days til then and said that I could. So YEY!! Now just to make sure I keep this TV tray until then...


  1. Love the TV tray--it being "built in" and all. Ha! I will pray that you will hang in there until the 13th!! (That is my little nephew's birthday, by the way.) So sad about the unnamed couple and their loss. When I worked there that kind of thing (which happened more often than I was sometimes prepared for) always put things in perspective for me.

  2. Love the pic-best of luck making it till the 13th...I cant wait!!!!
    I will pray for those people ,I know the pain of losing a baby,I know what a blessing it is to have a healthy baby:-)
