Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bonus Room Update

Pictures are not good... taken with my phone, at night... but you get the idea. We gave up on installing the carpet correctly, so for now it is just rolled out (and yes, I did that all by myself- ever try to move a full roll of carpet around? That stuff is HEAVY). We'll have it installed but I want the room to be livable, now.

The TV will go in the middle eventually, but we haven't had the cable set up yet and don't want to move the TV any more than we have to. My step dad was passing thru so he helped David move the TV. Thankfully I didn't have to help with that one :) There is plenty of room for Elijah to run around. There won't be much furniture and that is probably a good thing, for now.

The other end is the bedroom area. I got the bed put together. I put it together years ago when Abigail used it. Funny how much harder things are when bending is such a chore. The bedspread I put on it is Abigail's old one. Abigail has a different one when we move her in there. The white thing next to the bed is a co-sleeper.

I really don't know the last time I have worked so hard, not pregnant. I'm sure I never have at this advanced stage of pregnancy. I'm dead. If I were to go into labor tonight it would not be good. My back hurts, my feet hurt, my calves hurt... I hurt.
Still need to do the baseboards and finish the trim, but it is livable. The HVAC people come back Monday to finish up. I still have to call the electricians but I don't think it will be a problem to get them here quickly. I also have to call the cable folks, but the TV is working, it is just coming from another cable outlet and not the one in the room.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great.YOU really shouldnt work so hard-lol! I know how it is when you want everything in order before baby.
