Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mom just left

and David goes back to work tomorrow, so I'll get a taste of reality before the boys spend the night with David's parents on Monday. The kids don't have school Monday and Tuesday b/c of teacher inservice and parent/teacher conferences. Isaac and Noah will go to extended care, otherwise David would need to stay home a bit longer. But with them gone, it makes it easier with Elijah. Isaac will occasionally antagonize him and get him into fit throwing moods.
Levi is doing great. He eats every 2-3 hrs. I don't know if that will last, but so far he hasn't shown the constant need to nurse that Elijah and Isaac had. He sleeps a lot, very well at night. He eats, but doesn't really wake up. My nursing nest arrived yesterday so we used it last night. He likes it :) It also allows me to nurse both sides without having to move him. I had forgotten about that benefit.
He isn't as jaundiced as the others were at this point either. I don't worry about newborn jaundice b/c I know it is normal, but he still looks prettier without it :) His 1 week appointment is with Dr. Gray, who saw him in the hospital. After the first week appointment, he saw Elijah for all his well checks. When E had his one week, he saw a much more 'cautious' doctor who wanted him to do the heel prick thing to fill a vial and check for jaundice. I was so mad at myself for not speaking up and allowing that test b/c I KNEW his levels were going down... and as long as they are going down and not up... its not a cause for concern. He had the first test done and I was supposed to bring him back for another test to see if they were indeed going down, but since the first test showed the level wasn't high enough to worry about (which I knew) and it took 30 screaming minutes to fill the vial... I wasn't putting him thru that again.
SO I was for sure and for certain not going to put Levi thru that. I don't think Dr. Gray would be as nervous about it, but I don't think he looks as yellow either. Right now he's sitting in my lap on the boppy cooing away :) I think this room has made the difference. There is a LOT of natural light in it.
David took Noah to his football game. It rained Tuesday so the game was cancelled... Noah was relieved to not have to miss one. All the kids are in the bonus room with me. Elijah is getting more used Levi and isn't crawling all over the two of us.
I'm feeling good. Tired, but good. I'm not even sure why I'm so tired b/c I'm sleeping pretty well at night and getting a nap in during the day. That will all end soon though! Other than the reprieve I'll get tomorrow night when the kids go to the grandparents, things will soon be 'back to normal.'


  1. You're going to do great . . . and good for you for educating yourself about jaundice and being willing to stand up for you son!

  2. He looks great. My babies ALL had jauntice and your right its no big deal,as a mom you can tell if its normal or not. Personally I think my "tan" babies looked pretty darn cute:-)
