Monday, October 12, 2009

The son'll come out tomorrow

That was the title of my blog May 22, 2007. Here we are again the night before the birth of a baby. It's an odd feeling. I just took one last long look at Elijah sleeping peacefully in his crib. Things are about to change drastically for him. As excited as I am to be having another baby- and for him to have a close in age subling- I know it will be hard for him at first.
And I don't like being away from my kids. I went over everything with my mom and I know they will be fine- but still- I wish I could get them all settled in the morning and then go rather than leave here at 4:45am.
I will be taking my computer and blogging tomorrow with updates, so if you care to follow along, check back thruout the day.
We would all appreciate your prayers.
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  1. You are definitely all in my prayers. Can't wait to meet Levi and the rest of the crew!! Blessings on your family, Becca!

  2. This post title is the best ever! So funny.
