Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I haven't tried sending a post from my phone. I *will* be blogging from the hospital (was there any doubt?) And want to see if this works :)
We did get a camera tonight. I went online to look at the cameras and discovered they were already on sale. I was able to buy it online and pick it up in the store. David got there right before closing. So, now we're 'readier.' :)
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  1. You are SO CLOSE!! Can't wait to hear that he's here. :)

  2. I just now finished reading your last SIX posts (compared to my ONE...I don't know how you do it). The one thing I want to say is...
    Take care of yourself!!
    (And the fact that you are "ready"? Good for you. I don't think I could have ever said I was "ready" with any of my children.) I'm sad we haven't gotten our families together, though. What do y'all have going on around supper time Sunday night? Do y'all do church on Sunday evenings?

  3. glad to hear you got the camera...and on sale!!! You just never know when those little ones will make there appearance-lol!
