Monday, November 9, 2009

Back to Life...

Back to Reality...
SOON. Today marks one week since the kids got their vaccines... I've read it takes 7-14 for it to be effective. SO next week, we'll be back in action. I can go to church again- YEY. I'll start going to the exercise class and E can play in the church nursery. He'll love that. MOST importantly, we will have managed to avoid the swine flu while I was pregnant and kept it out of the house with a newborn. It has been a huge pain to keep E away from all forms of group care. I have never missed this much church in my life! I'm not even one to overly worry. I usually have the attitude of "that happens to other people..." But not this time.
Didn't do much today. Just the usual watching of Yo Gabba Gabba, Barney, and Zoboomafoo. Made some hooded towels and some brownies... played outside. Elijah said he saw a snake, but Abigail said he was talking about a bungie cord that was in the grass. I hope she is right! Though he was sitting in a chair wimpering when he told me about it.

1 comment:

  1. How you find the time to do all that you do...I'll never know.
