Saturday, November 7, 2009

GREAT day!

And it started last night :). Abigail and Elijah spent the night with Ron and Kathy. They really only wanted Abigail but after David talked to them, they ended up taking E too. And I am SO glad! I of course adore him and love being with him- but he's never spent the night elsewhere w/o me except for the one night he stayed there while I was in the hospital and the one night the day after Levi and I came home. Those were needed- but I didn't really do anything. Last night we went to Gordman's and Babies R Us then to Kohl's. It is sooo much more enjoyable w/o him crawling out of the cart and wanting me to carry him (kinda hard w/ Levi in a sling). Then at home- much more relaxing just telling the boys to take a bath and go to bed.
This morning we went to Krispee Kreme then to Target. I was able to really hunt the sales racks and I hit the jackpot. I found 4 shirts and a dress that are nursing friendly AND hide my baby gut for $20!!!! It was all 75% off. Came home- I highlighted my hair while Levi slept. That was a big ol gamble since David wasn't here. Had he woken up I'd have been in serious trouble. But he didn't.
Then L and I went to walgreens and home depot. I got some pebbles to put in what is supposed to be a sandbox under the swingset- but sand is messy. He fell asleep in the car. I came home and helped with yardwork til he woke up. Then A and E came home.
The yard is neat and fixed up for E (who LOVES to go outside), I found stuff at a fabulous price... I got pumpkin spice donuts... finally fixed my in much need hair... OH and I got caffeinated coffee this morning. First I've had since having Levi. And he has slept a ton today.
And THAT is what I call a great day :)
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1 comment:

  1. That DOES sound great!! You're right. It's just next to impossible to do REAL shopping with a toddler in tow. Add other siblings to the mix...and well, it could be a veritable nightmare. By the way, Gabriel is the same way about outside. Rainy days just BREAK his heart!!
