Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am so glad that I did not return to school after the break. I would have dreaded Christmas coming b/c I would have known "the end was near." I REALLY don't want to leave Levi. I don't want to leave Elijah either, but he enjoys going other places. He loved preschool. I don't like leaving a newborn ever. I don't even like leaving him with Daddy! I think of the newborn age as a transitional stage after pregnancy :) He's my little joey. Praise the Lord my mom is coming down 3 days a week to watch him. That will make it much better... but that first day I will take both of them to church. It's going to be tough. I'll have to tell Daddy to walk by his room often to check on him. I know he'll be fine, but I'll be a bit neurotic. (if any students happen to read this... know that and be extra nice that first week :)
TODAY was a tough one. It would have been fine if I didn't have anything I was trying to get done... but I did. I needed to get music ready for honor choir. I shouldn't have waited til the last minute, but I thought Levi would sleep for a while in the morning like he usually does. He didn't. He just cat napped. I got everything done, barely. The hair was scrunched b/c I sure didn't have time to get myself ready :)
I got a sitter for Elijah and Levi during Honor Choir. She watched them at church. David is busy and really doesn't have time to watch Elijah in his office. I have taken Levi with me every week except for that first one back when I left him with David (David came home that time to watch E) and he cried a bunch :( He has slept every time I took him with me. I just had a bad feeling about taking him with me. If he cried, there isn't much I can do except send Abigail out with him... and I need her singing! So, I got a sitter to reduce the stress on both David and I. Levi didn't stay asleep so it is a good thing! He was awake the entire time.
We got a futon for the playroom-turned-guest-bedroom. It's one of those that has a spring mattress (from Sam's). It's comfy. I had two mattresses stacked on top of each other before... it was real attractive :) Counting the mattresses under upstairs beds, we now have 12 places we could sleep people NOT counting couches, cribs, or blow up beds. More than that if we put all our kids in our king. They'd fit :)
We ate dinner at El Chico after Honor Choir. The waiter was very good and in return got LOTS of pleases, thanks yous, and yes sirs from my kids. When we were leaving, he told David and I that our kids were very well behaved. He said he has 3 and struggles with them and we have 5. He said "my hat is off to you." That was nice to hear. The kids meals come with GIANT bowls of jello with whipped cream. That won them over!
My tree is still up :( I really want to be finished with all the other stuff I'm trying to do before tackling that job. The Rockefeller tree comes down January 7. Hopefully mine won't be up longer than that. David likes it up. He'd be thrilled if it could stay up til his birthday Jan 21!


  1. Currently working on my tree...usually takes me an average of about 3 days for both putting up and taking down. Slow, tedious process. Yeck!

  2. My tree is still up too :-( The ornaments are all off...but I haven't taken the tree down yet. :-(

  3. I know, it is so hard to leave the babies!! I hated leaving Emerson and four months later I still don't like it!!
