Monday, February 15, 2010

Levi had a good day!

Because of the snow last week, this was only Levi's 5th time to go to church. The first 4 did not go well, mainly b/c he hasn't been able to stay asleep. He falls asleep in the car, but wakes up before I can even get him in the room. Today I was armed and ready! I called David to see if he could meet me at the doors that are nearest the nursery. I normally have quite a walk b/c those doors are locked (for the safety of the children). He met me and got Elijah. I just had a few feet to walk from the car to an empty room that is connected to the room with the teachers and other babies. I plugged in a noise maker, turned it up and YEY he slept there for an hour and a half! Hopefully we'll be able to do the same tomorrow. He woke up and went for a stroll with Ms Dollie then she gave him his bottle and he took all of it. He has been so tired and cranky that he hasn't even really wanted to eat, but he does when he sees me! And that's a problem b/c Elijah is tired and needs to get home to nap. Both fell asleep in the car, but I was able to put E in the downstairs bedroom where he has stayed and Levi is still snoozing in his carseat (in the dining room). It'd be nice if this became the routine on Mon/Tues.
Tomorrow I get to go see Sarah Palin! My mom will be here and will keep the kids. I was hoping that event would be a perk of him running. It has been pretty dreadful thus far. I'm glad he's running and all... he needs to run... he is meant to do this... but it is so much time away from home. He has stuff nightly. I'm glad my mom is here 1/2 the week b/c it certainly helps, but it is still hard without dad. I hardly see him. I could go with him to some of the stuff, but I don't want to leave the kids. But I will leave them tomorrow for the Sarah Palin fundraiser. I'm really looking forward to it... just hoping my Target clothes arrive! Had a sale last week during the snow days... 25% off a $75 purchase and free shipping. According to tracking they are in LR today just not delivered b/c of the holiday... should arrive tomorrow.
I got this:
(to be worn with a tank, of course!)
and this:
I'm thinking I'll wear the long one b/c it will be cooooooooold!
Also got this:
but it isn't one I'm thinking about wearing tomorrow, just liked it. Notice how all are cut to hide a baby gut :)


  1. Noise makers are the best!!

    I'm sorry your man is away so much. If there is anything we can do to help you during the week, let us know, k?

    Love the dresses you chose!

  2. stinks he has to be away so much but hopefully it will all pay off in the jelous you get to see sarah Palin...should be fun!
    ps-you dont have a baby gut..I've seen other pics-you look great.

  3. I am always impressed with your shopping abilities. Hope you have fun!!

  4. The Palin thing should be fun. I'll be in the upper deck.
