Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow, and gratefulness

Since returning to work, I haven't had a full week (away from Levi) yet. Got snowed in that first Friday back. This past Friday was all state auditions and while it was very much a work day, Levi was with me. Home Monday and Tuesday (and Tuesdays are normally very full days since I have honor choir) and started late today. NEXT week I have All State Thurs-Sat in Hot Springs- Levi will go with me. Elijah will stay with Ron and Kathy. SO there is the first month back. I'm grateful for the extra time with Levi- he is too (he told me :)
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1 comment:

  1. Awww...he is such a cutie. I have yet to leave Amelia with anyone for more than a couple of hours. Kills me to be away from her. When does that feeling go away? Or does it ever? :)
