Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bieber and Changes!

Abigail, her friend Hannah, and David are on their way to the Justin Bieber concert. Her friend got tickets for her birthday and invited Abigail. I volunteered David to take them :) He'll be in the parent room... they issue arm bands to the kids and the parent and have security that will check them. They spent all day getting ready :)

They went to Claire's and got jewelry and hair extensions

and I did rainbow eye make up. (picture taken before I put the extension on the other side...)

I'm sure they will have the time of their life... and David will be grateful he has an iphone. I told him to download a movie to watch.

levi... I had a bit of a panic... but I knew something else would come up and it did! Got a call that my neighbor's sis in law was taking a different job. I was crushed at first b/c I was soooooooo excited, but I understood. She said she could still watch him Th-F. I asked one of the nursery workers at church if she would be willing to watch him M-W. She said we'd talk, but that it should work. That was great news b/c Levi knows and LOVES her. He actually pushes away from me to get to her when I'm dropping him off. He is going thru a phase where he doesn't want to leave my sight, but will still reach for her. I know she will love on him the entire time he is with her. If he wasn't already spoiled, I'd worry that she'd spoil him :) Then I ran into a former student at Target. I asked her what she was up to and she said was working at Starbucks... but would be working at church if they ever extend their mother's day out hours. So I thought I'd ask her if she was interested in Th-F. She was excited about it and said YES right away. MUCH relief. It has been an up and down whirlwind, but I think I can finally feel settled :)
I'm back to being excited about school starting!
Noah spent a couple nights with David's parents. Abigail spent the night with a friend the other night. Elijah said he "lost them." It was so pathetic and cute. He was dejected and said "I lost them, they're not here."


  1. Abigail looks so cute!!

    I am so thankful that you found someone else to watch L. I felt terrible about it. God worked it all out...huge answer to prayer!! He is good! :)

  2. Wow! The girls look like they had a blast shopping and getting ready. Hope they had a fun time.

    And Elijah...what sweetness.
