Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Day in the Car

I took full advantage of having 2 less children today. We left at about 9:30 to get E a haircut. It was GORGEOUS this morning (I'm sure due to Alex but I was trying not to think about how this nice weather up here is due to not so nice weather down below...). Not too hot and breezy. After the haircut (which wasn't much of one, we're hanging on to those long locks until he has to cut it for school for the dress code) we cleaned out my car (we meaning I, they were along for the ride :) Then to Sonic for lunch. Came home for a couple hours after that... tried to get E to nap but wasn't successful. Decided to go to Museum of Discovery (pictures below). We left about 4:45. Had to pick up the boys at 6 from church... so we drove thru San Fransico Bread Co. and got chicken salad sandwiches. E and A played on the playground while L and I waited in the car. David called about 5:45 to let me know Cherie had called and they were running about an hour behind. SO I came home and let David go get them. L had fallen asleep in the car... I let him sleep and pulled weeds. Decided a hoe would get the job done faster... albeit harder... but it worked. I got the UGLY flower bed cleaned out. Now we need mulch. Or I should say, we need mulch NOW. David had cleared out layers of mulch which was needed... our bushes were drowning. But we haven't replaced it... the weeds are prolific. On the plus side... some perennials returned that I haven't seen in years b/c of too much mulch.
I think I shall treat myself to a trip to Home Depot tomorrow. ALONE :) I could use some more color. Won't get mulch there when I can get a truckload for about $5 from the city... though we don't have a truck. Hopefully David can borrow one this weekend. Though it being the 4th of July on Sunday... tomorrow might be a holiday???

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