Thursday, July 8, 2010

You Know You're A Mom When

As my Facebook status today, I wrote "you know you're a mom when..." and had several contribute. I thought they were worth a post...

You know you're a mom when:
1 -you eat a sandwhich with one hand and dump a potty full of pee with the other
2 -you walk around singing VeggieTales
3 -you get excited when you get to go to the store alone
4 -you turn on the TV and automatically put it on PBS kids
5 -you say 'it's not poop, it's chocolate' at least once a week
6 -you find cars and crayons in your underwear drawer
7 -when 'Tom and Jerry' is on TV you realize the soundtrack accompanies your life perfectly
8 -before a long trip you ask your husband 'do you need to go potty?'
9 -you have been pooped on, spit up on, and peed on all within three minutes of the last diaper change
10 -you wonder why they don't install urinals in homes
11 -your lunch consists of the kids leftovers
12 -you realize your bathroom was just mopped with toilet water
13 -your choices for writing a check at the checkout counter are red or blue crayon
14 -you can't remember music from the decade your kids were born because you only listened to Barney and Raffi
15 -your favorite part of vacation is throwing a wet towel on the floor and coming back to it clean, dry, and hung up
16 -you were at a playground and heard "mom.... Mom.... MOM!" and finally yelled "WHAT!?" at someone else's kid
17 -you are saved as ____________'s mom in other people's phones
18 -you are thrilled to eat at McDonald's because you don't have to cook or clean up dishes
19 -you find yourself prompting your husband (and others) to say "please" "thank you" and "yes ma'am"
20- when you finally get control of the TV you prefer to put it on one of the high definition 'screen savers' of a tranquil ocean and pretend you are there for the 20 minutes it plays (OnDemand-HD-TV Entertainment-Screen Savers :)

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