Thursday, September 30, 2010


E: what happened to the dinosaur?
Me: it got run over
E: in the street?
Me: yes
E: I can't go in the street... it's dangerous

Isaac: do you put the TV on hademy for regular TV?
Me: hademy?
Isaac: yeah... H-D-M-I


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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Someone let's me play with her eyelashes. (He is fascinated)
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Mama & Baby

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We've been adopted

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Happy Birthday to me

I am so glad I blog. Reading my old posts is reminding me of so many moments I'd forgotten. Reading them, it is like they happened yesterday. I need to do a better job... and put those moments on here instead of in my status/tweets!
Wednesday, 28 September 2005
Noah: Isaac! Wake up!!!

Me: Don't wake him up!

David: You're ruining his plan

Me: Oh.... Noah... its ok, you can wake him up.

Noah: Isaac get up! (silence) Abigail get up!! (more silence) (back to Isaac) Isaac!!! GET UP Mommy! Isaac pulled my hair!!!!

(Then he comes crying into my room)

David: He was trying to wake up everyone so they could come sing Happy Birthday.

Noah: (in between sobs) They won't get up and now we can't sing and Isaac pulled my hair!

Isaac runs in and sings: Happy Bird day tooo yoooooo Happy Bird day toooo yoooo Happy Bird day MOMEEEEEEE Happy Bird day toooo yooooooo

Noah is still crying. Abigail is asleep. Then Abigail goes downstairs to make me a card which says "I'm sorry I wouldn't sing Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Mommy."

That was about it. It stinks having your birthday on a Wednesday. I left at 10:30 this morning, went straight to church after school, and just got home. But that's ok. Kathy (my mom in law) got me some great knives. I called my mom to tell her thanks for having me :)

David and I are celebrating tomorrow :) Kids are spending the night with his parents and we're going to Conway to eat and go to that Toxic Audio concert.... thanks for the tickets Denise :)

Back to present day...
Yesterday was great. I walked in my room, decorated with sign and balloon (posted picture yesterday). My students had a party 4th period. I had resisted the temptation to buy a pumpkin spiced latte on my way to school. Since I'd partied 4th period, I wasn't hungry at lunch... but 6th period was about to start and I was thinking I should have at least gotten something to drink. At that moment, Jennifer Burr walked in with a pumpkin spiced latte! It was also from Fawn (who'd read on twitter of my love for them) but Fawn was at an FBLA convention/meeting thing all day.
Picked up Levi and Elijah and waited at school until Abigail finished cheer pictures. Rushed home to change and head to Hot Springs Village. Had a little event there. They got me a cake and were oh so sweet. Kids had a blast. The host couple live on one of the Hot Springs Village lakes. So nice. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. Kids played on their boat and loved looking around the yard. She gave me some seed pods to the neatest plant. Google tells me it is thornapple... and that it is poisonous. Dern it. Really neat plant.
Went to bed at 10 pm to cap off a very busy but good day. Caught up on some much needed sleep. Think I'll try to go to bed at 10 for the rest of the week. I have felt soooo tired lately.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


This is the cake they had for me in Hot Springs Village. I will have to blog about the day tomorrow. Trying to catch up on sleep to make it that much better :). Was a good day.
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Monday, September 27, 2010

A little big bud

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm watching Elmo's World with Levi. He is almost 1 and has yet to develop an appreciation for him and that's just not right. I still have the Sesame Street 1st Birthday decorations from Elijah's 1st birthday party and I'd like to re-use them!
Abigail had a slumber party last night. She apparently didn't sleep. I'm sure she slept some... it probably just seemed like she didn't. She said she was trying to sleep, but some of the girls would not be quiet and laughed all night long. I told her she can't go to any more slumber parties if there are more than 5 going. I honestly think she was relieved. They had a game today, so most had to cheer at 9am. I'm sure that was fun on no sleep. Abigail once again forgot her pom poms. I wasn't going to go to the game for once and was just going to pick her up. I told her I wasn't going to rush out there... but I'd get them there. I think I got them there maybe 15 min into the game. One of our players got hurt. Haven't heard an update to know how he is doing. Didn't get home til almost noon.
Levi is eating about 2 small jars of baby food a day, and cheerios. I wasn't able to pump much during school, and he wasn't even taking what I was pumping. SO he's now eating baby food and cereal. I don't know how I managed to only nurse Elijah until a year. I was away from him from 11 or so until 2, not a whole lot different than Levi... but it just hasn't worked the same. Oh wait... he turned one in May, so he was with me at school. I wasn't away from him at all. I taught from 9:20 or so until 12 and had a break and would feed him then. I forgot. I was thinking about the next year when he went to 2nd Pres. Guess that makes all the difference. Still nursing though... glad I didn't have to worry about the formula recall. Don't plan on weaning any time soon. We'll just see how it goes. I adjusted fine after E was a year and nursed in the morning, around 2, and at night til he was 18 months. Really only weaned b/c I thought it might help him sleep thru the night. It didn't. I wouldn't have gone much longer than 18 months though.
I'm only giving him water to drink. I gave him juice during the boys first football game b/c I wanted to be sure and see it and L be happy... he loved the juice... but it seemed to mess him up for a week! I didn't think his system would ever return to normal. I only want to give water anyway, but I definitely won't be trying juice again any time soon.
I turne 37 Tuesday. Yuck. 80s Bash Saturday. I've been telling my students what to wear, I hadn't thought of myself. I gotta find an 80s outfit :)
Monday, 26 September 2005
I think I can honestly say I played (volleyball) well tonight :) Not that I never messed up... but who NEVER messes up??? I *might* actually become good at it if I could play for more than a couple months out of the year.

Isaac had pictures done at his daycare today. They were doing his age right when I got him there... he almost missed it. He dressed up as a farmer, a razorback football player, a baseball player, and a little business man... he looked too cute!!

While taking a shower, Abigail looks at her belly and says, "I could never get a belly button ring." I say, "you don't have enough belly." She says, "No, I don't have enough button."

Isaac comes down the stairs... out of bed... shame on him... "GET BACK IN BED ISAAC." He says "I can't, I got a booger."

If you haven't noticed, #3 has a thing with boogers... he doesn't like them... and the world must stop til he gets them taken care off... far away from him.

This xanga thing is great for storing the funny things kids say :) I always forget em...

Sunday, 25 September 2005
Youth choir is going really well. A few more guys showed up tonight, so that is always good.

And yippahoo... thanks to a DVR I'm about to watch a commercial-free brand new episode of Grey's Anatomy.

AND I'm going to see Toxic Audio at UCA Thursday. Sounds interesting... in honor of that event, thought I'd change my song.


I'm going to be EXTREMELY upset if Christina (from Grey's Anatomy) has an abortion.

Friday, September 24, 2010

During prayer

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I'm watching Dora with Elijah. He is so cute. He answers every one of her questions. I don't recall my other kids doing that.
Meeting David's dad at Cracker Barrel at 5. I am COMMITTED to reducing our grocery/fast food bill. I pared down the variety and am going to stick with the same meals every week. Hopefully that will help me keep the kitchen stocked with the ingredients to make them and will keep them simple enough to make quickly. On Thursdays (when I have honor choir and no time to prepare anything) we'll have hot dogs. I know... nutritional, but I'm trying to save money folks! Paying full time childcare costs but only work part time. I gotta make some cuts! We usually get burgers at the football game, but not going to do that either. I was going to make a chicken/pasta thing tonight, but Ron called to see if we wanted to go eat. YEY for that. Cleaning up takes longer than the preparation and since I have to be out there by 6:20... very glad I won't have to deal with that.
Looking forward to the 80s Bash next Saturday. My choir is singing. We started show choir this year and after much debate over names that I hated, I decided executively that we'd be called Audacity. I figure I have to live with the name long after these kids graduate and I need to be able to say it without laughing. All show choir names are cheesy, some are ridiculous. They are singing Africa and Don't Stop Believing with minimal movement. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go is choreographed and a lot of fun to watch :) I think the audience will enjoy all of their songs. I'm having a blast with them. I was DREADING the choreography part... but they have done it without complaint. Everything I ask them to do, they do it without complaining. Sure makes my job a lot more enjoyable when it isn't like pulling teeth to get them to do what I want :) They are THE BEST kids you can have. Love em to death.
That's all I have time for... gotta get ready to go eat!

Saturday, 24 September 2005
Well, Noah slept til 8:30, so I got to sleep in a little... but since the choir practice started at 9... I was still able to make it.

I don't feel well, so I've been lazy ever since. I even got to nap. All the kids easily went down since they stayed up so late last night.

Youth choir tomorrow at 4:45 :)

Its not a flood, but its not fun. Our front windows are leaking massive amounts of water all over the floor in the dining room and office. David is running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I keep telling him its under warranty and its our builder's problem... and there isn't a thing that can be done about it now except soak it up... but there he goes out the door with a ladder...

As for me, I'm glad it happened now. We're under warranty until October 23... glad it didn't happen after that date :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I didn't know why he was carrying a tiger and wearing a bike helmet til he said 'now I can be Diego' after he got the tiger out of his backpack today.
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skipped a few old ones

Wednesday, 21 September 2005
Abigail, pondering the importance of foreheads on the way home from church:

If you didn't have a forehead, you'd just have a brain on your face and that would make it hard to think b/c your eyeballs would be on your brain.

Thursday, 22 September 2005
I thanked Isaac this morning for what I thought was a kiss on my leg. He said "that's not a kiss momma, that's a booger." Thanks Isaac.

Had a Parent's Night Out at church. Went to dinner with Andrea and Matthew McCrary and Rex and Mery Pilcher. We went to Camp David... food was just ok... company was great. Abigail had a Dr Pepper while at church...and since we don't ever give the kids caffeine it took forever for her to get to sleep.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This tells me I have had sound issues at school for way too long. Now we know when the press box was reduced to one operating channel, as it still is today.

Saturday, 24 September 2005

Woo hoo.... we beat Hector AND I actually got to stay for almost the entire game. We left a tiny bit early (after the last touchdown) and decided to go to the 5th quarter since the kids had been so good. They shocked us. We've never been able to stay beyond half time b/c they usually get sooooo gripey... but we didn't put them to bed til midnight. That is a first for the Sanders children.

Singers did great except for some reason the sound system didn't work. We had done a sound check and it worked GREAT then, but nadda, zilch, nothing when they actually sang it (which was WAY early). Didn't sing it all the way thru with the system when we did the soundcheck b/c Coach Keller didn't like it coming over the speakers... now I wish we would have so people could have at least heard it then :(

And yey, I have choir practice tomorrow at church. I have a cold... so if my three little alarm clocks stay asleep, I'm not getting up for it. But most likely, they will still arise at 7 as usual.

Monday, September 20, 2010

This one is interesting... particularly the last paragraph... and the part in parenthesis...
((if you didn't read yesterday, I'm copying posts from my old blog and pasting them here in lieu of real posts that I never have time to do))

Tuesday, 20 September 2005
Watching SpongeBob... I know I know... but he cracks me up and the kids like him... there aren't many shows like that.

Yey, its official. We'll be on the 9th row at the Casting Crowns concert. Sounds like a good place to be :)

Anyone reading this... please pray for David. He's trying to get his first "portion" of his book turned in. Its nice being in charge of yourself, but it is also hard to be motivated to get stuff done... so pray he gets it done. Writers block can be pretty cruel :)

And I just gotta offer up a praise. I am SO enjoying my job this year. Not that I haven't enjoyed it before... I've enjoyed every single year... but there were always trials that went along with the blessings. Whether it be with administration or students, something always got in the way of it being sheer joy. Well... I know we're not even thru the first 9 weeks... but it is pretty much sheer joy. I know I know... Music 7 students would find that hard to believe LOL but that isn't really where the joy comes from... I enjoy teaching it, but it isn't like my choirs. THAT is why I went to school and THAT is what I love, and this year I thoroughly enjoy every minute of each class. Everyone is working so hard and that in itself is such a blessing. Even if they didn't sound good (which they do) I'd be thrilled with them b/c they really do have a great attitude. I've always said attitude is more important than talent... and that is SO true. I'd rather have a dozen hard-working-ready-to-please-students-with-mediocre-talent... than 50 oh-so-talented-students-who-think-they-know-it-all. I could do more with the 12! And I don't just have mediocrity... I have real talent in both groups and I am just so excited about them. Hope I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch, but I really think both choirs will develop into the best yet. Time will tell. I know I'm enjoying the heck out of them, regardless. And I think of certain people I've had in the past and I just wish they could be in class now. But, they helped me get to this point... even though they had to endure a lot right along with me. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! And I'm grateful for you as well. Some of you were the only thing that kept me going at times. Anyway, God is good. If you would have asked me in high school what I "hoped to be" when I grew up, this is it. Married, with children (though I believe I would have said at least 5) and stay at home mom... only b/c I never would have thought I could be a part time choir teacher. I feel like I have the best of ALL the worlds. God has blessed me beyond measure.

Whew, that was long.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Asleep in Papa's car

Good to have A and E home.
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Monday, 19 September 2005
Volleyball was fun... though my team lost every single game. It wasn't ALL my fault, so I'm still happy. Not that I made every shot... but I had some good moments (and some bad ones... caught one ball between my knees after swinging and missing...oops) One guy made me mad... invaded my territory, landed on top of me and then said "I'm sorry, I didnt know if you were going to get it (which I did and it went over, despite the 300 lbs on my foot). Grrr.... and people wonder why you don't "go for it." THAT is why. Church volleyball people... not even a cheap trophy is involved. Bobbie Ann wasn't there though... she makes it more fun :)

Found out I don't have to be involved with any of the musical goings on at homecoming, so I'll get to go to the Casting Crowns concert :) Not that I won't miss going to homecoming... but David and I really wanted to go to the concert. Yey.

My house is silent. This is such a rarity. All I hear is the A/C. David is watching football at a friend's house, the kids are finally asleep... and it is silent. Think I'll get some ice cream and enjoy it.

I left out something cute that happened today during Abigail's chapel service today. The speaker said "Does anyone know who made the first American flag?" Abigail raised her hand and when called on said "Betsy." She appeared to be so smart... which she is... little did everyone know WHY she knew that. Her grandmother's dog is a Boston Terrier... the only AKC registered breed that was developed in America... thus named after Betsy Ross. I'm surprised Abigail remembered.

old posts

Since I never blog anymore... and I have my original blog over on xanga, I thought I'd try copying and pasting old blogs here. So here's the first one:

Sunday, 18 September 2005

It was a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
Beautiful day

Apparently Isaac walked into Sunday School asking Mrs. Bobbie Ann, "where's my toot?" She pondered that for a while as he continued to ask again and again "where's my toot?" Then she realized he was referring the flutes they got the week before.

Church went well. I sang with the praise team and David sang "And Now My Lifesong Sings" then we had to go work in the nursery... fun stuff.

Youth choir today at 4:45... we'll actually SING today :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Cutie and Patootie

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Meet Molly

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can you see the blonde?

Levi's hair is doing the same thing as Elijah's. Old hair brown- new hair blonde.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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26-6 final

Or 25- we're not sure :)
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Noah QBing

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In the cooler

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18-0 at the half

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Saturday, September 11, 2010


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Friday, September 10, 2010

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Monday, September 6, 2010

Because I really wanted to spend this "day off" working on a choir shirt... I had someone else working on it, but I didn't love what they showed me and they were slow getting me the initial designs and even slower making changes. So, did this all day. I couldn't do it on my laptop b/c I don't have photoshop on it yet. Had to use the SLOW desktop. We'll see if my students like it tomorrow. I need to have them printed. Planned on having this done long ago. Abigail and her friends designed a shirt for the 6th grade sweatshirt design contest at school. I'll post her design after the contest :)
Been busy with school and when I have time to post, I can't think of what to say! So, just been uploading pictures. School is still going well for all though.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My turn

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In a cypress tree

We have a baby cypress tree. Looks nothing like these! My favorite type of tree.
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At Pinnacle

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010


Made by Abigail from the vines pulled out of flower bed.
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh sweet pea

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010