Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

I am so glad I blog. Reading my old posts is reminding me of so many moments I'd forgotten. Reading them, it is like they happened yesterday. I need to do a better job... and put those moments on here instead of in my status/tweets!
Wednesday, 28 September 2005
Noah: Isaac! Wake up!!!

Me: Don't wake him up!

David: You're ruining his plan

Me: Oh.... Noah... its ok, you can wake him up.

Noah: Isaac get up! (silence) Abigail get up!! (more silence) (back to Isaac) Isaac!!! GET UP Mommy! Isaac pulled my hair!!!!

(Then he comes crying into my room)

David: He was trying to wake up everyone so they could come sing Happy Birthday.

Noah: (in between sobs) They won't get up and now we can't sing and Isaac pulled my hair!

Isaac runs in and sings: Happy Bird day tooo yoooooo Happy Bird day toooo yoooo Happy Bird day MOMEEEEEEE Happy Bird day toooo yooooooo

Noah is still crying. Abigail is asleep. Then Abigail goes downstairs to make me a card which says "I'm sorry I wouldn't sing Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Mommy."

That was about it. It stinks having your birthday on a Wednesday. I left at 10:30 this morning, went straight to church after school, and just got home. But that's ok. Kathy (my mom in law) got me some great knives. I called my mom to tell her thanks for having me :)

David and I are celebrating tomorrow :) Kids are spending the night with his parents and we're going to Conway to eat and go to that Toxic Audio concert.... thanks for the tickets Denise :)

Back to present day...
Yesterday was great. I walked in my room, decorated with sign and balloon (posted picture yesterday). My students had a party 4th period. I had resisted the temptation to buy a pumpkin spiced latte on my way to school. Since I'd partied 4th period, I wasn't hungry at lunch... but 6th period was about to start and I was thinking I should have at least gotten something to drink. At that moment, Jennifer Burr walked in with a pumpkin spiced latte! It was also from Fawn (who'd read on twitter of my love for them) but Fawn was at an FBLA convention/meeting thing all day.
Picked up Levi and Elijah and waited at school until Abigail finished cheer pictures. Rushed home to change and head to Hot Springs Village. Had a little event there. They got me a cake and were oh so sweet. Kids had a blast. The host couple live on one of the Hot Springs Village lakes. So nice. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. Kids played on their boat and loved looking around the yard. She gave me some seed pods to the neatest plant. Google tells me it is thornapple... and that it is poisonous. Dern it. Really neat plant.
Went to bed at 10 pm to cap off a very busy but good day. Caught up on some much needed sleep. Think I'll try to go to bed at 10 for the rest of the week. I have felt soooo tired lately.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Late Birthday!! Sorry I've not been around much lately. I struggle with whether to BLOG or READ blogs sometimes. It's hard to keep up with it all.
