Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I've had whirlwind weeks before, but the past couple of weeks have been all out hurricanes. One right after another. Right after finding out we have to move, in service started. Which means I get to be a full time employee for a week even though I get part time pay. It is one of the not-so-fun aspects of my job. I hate it. But on top of the usual "I hate this" I had to leave my house spotless every day just in case it showed. Which, by the way, it didn't. Still hasn't. Try getting all 7 people out of a house at 7:30am and not leaving any part of a trail behind. Makes for one crazy mama. And I do mean crazy. I thought I'd lose it on several occasions. The evenings were spent painting clearing stuff out, painting, packing some things, painting, organizing, and painting. And I'm still painting. Every time I turn around I see something that needs to be touched up... and I may have already touched it up, it just has another pencil drawing on it to paint over... It is SUCH a fun time to be trying to sell a house. OH MY
Did I mention it hasn't shown? Not. once. So depressing. Realtor open house tomorrow, I'm hoping that will help. If not, THEN I will *start* to stress a bit. Until then, I'm ok. The stress is from it having to be perfect all the time, not from worry about whether or not it will sell in time.
School is good. My classes are great. We sang a ridiculously difficult piece on day one in advanced choir. My seniors had done it when they were in the 9th grade and remembered it well. Love the piece. We'll sing it at this year's Madrigal Dinner. Intermediate is doing wonderfully well too. There is talent I am excited about. I wasn't sure what I'd have after my seniors graduate, grateful that there are going to be kids able to fill some seriously large shoes.
The other massive change is Levi's care. It ended up not working out to keep him at church like last year. I would have ended up paying twice the cost of full time care for part time care. Just couldn't do it. It was GREAT care, but financially, can't do it.
Took Levi to his new school yesterday. I walked out of there feeling awful. He of course cried. I felt so bad leaving him with complete strangers. I vowed to give him a week and if it was still bad, I'd somehow make it work at church. But, he'd stopped crying before I'd finished turning in all his paperwork. Thank goodness. It was hard to get through the day as it was... I am so glad I didn't have to walk out with him still crying!!! I don't know that I would have been able to. He cried today too, but I expect that. He cries sometimes when I leave him at church . He cries when I leave him at home with family too... anything that isn't me can make him cry... but he always stops quickly.
SO, I think he'll be ok. I don't like it as much, but when we move, it will be easier on me. It will be closer to where we will live. I was going to have to drive 10-15 min to church, then come right back down toward our house to go to school. His new place will be a couple minutes away and on the way to school. That will be nice. I drop him off and he gets to go outside to play. He LOVES to play outside. He comes in for lessons and then lunch... then he naps, and i pick him up soon after waking up. Always hard on a mama, but at least he is older now and does enjoy other kids. Not like it would have been this time last year when he wouldn't have cared diddly about other kids. I'm grateful for the year he had at church with "Ms Mona." And he still sees her when he is at church on Sundays and Wednesdays.

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