Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Every heartbeat bears Your name

No exciting news to report... except a little heartbeat that was heard... that is ALWAYS exciting :) It took a while to find, which is to be expected when you are 11 weeks... but then there it was, all 160 beats per minute of it. Music to my ears.

Been busy this week with jr/sr banquet (prom) stuff. It is this Friday and I'm one of the lucky teachers who is in charge of it. Coming right off of spring break and missions week before that... and having been moved up more than a month due to a conflict, AND permission to hold a dance being granted just over a month ago... all that... well... means it is a bit rushed. Or at least it feels like it. But it will be fine. I'm NOT looking forward to staying up all night. And I'm REALLY not looking forward to how awful I will feel the days after when I'm dead tired and trying to limit caffeine.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear our heartbeat(s) tomorrow...so if it's hard at 11 weeks, is it even harder to find the heartbeat at 6 weeks? I love seeing that baby floating on your sidebar. :)

