Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I was in prayer meeting tonight. Bro. Jim passed out slips of colored paper. I had an "uh oh" moment. What does he have in store for us? Do I have to sign something away? He already got me to give up popcorn until Easter to remind me to pray when I crave it (and yes, I crave it often). What now?
Well, now was "get out of your comfort zone around your friends go pray with someone else."
So here we are. Praying. I'm not usually one to pray out loud b/c I worry that I will either offend someone else while I'm praying or those others will decide it wasn't good enough OR I'll get overly emotional and cry. I know, silly, but such is the case. And yet, here I was listening and well... *I* got offended. And then I was stuck b/c I wanted to pray but of course, was worried that my totally different prayer would be offensive to those who had just prayed.
Bro. Jim had guided us to pray for the lost. To pray for those in our community that we could reach out to them. So instantly my thoughts go toward ME. Wanting God to help ME get over myself and reach out, to not be judgemental and stay within my little bubble, but get out of my comfort zone and minister to those in need.
That wasn't what was prayed. The first one was about young people not realizing there are rules. That it is wrong to live together before marriage. I don't disagree with that at all.
The next one was about TV shows that are sinful and the 'young people' who watch these shows. She prayed for those young people that they would realize the shows are bad and not watch them.
I can't really tell you what the last one was about b/c I was praying myself, just not out loud. I know it wasn't anything to bring me out of my "what in the world?" moment.
Me, I'm thinking... hello?? Are we not missing the point? I'm praying for lost SOULS. Except for God's grace, I AM NO BETTER. I'm not praying that people will obey the rules. I was fortunate to be raised in church, saved at a young age, and didn't become a massive "rule breaker." But I was a sinner to no less a degree than the worst sinner you can name. I am STILL a sinner and I am no better. Those who break all the rules are no different than I, except that God sees me covered in the blood of Christ. That is the ONLY reason I am any "better." I'm not. It is not ME, but Christ.
It is not just tonight that this bothers me. It bothers me any time I hear someone complaining about the terrible ways our world is turning. I do not disagree. It *is* terrible. But we are still totally missing it if all we do is get caught up in how terrible it is and not see that *except for Christ, I am nothing.*
I do know that those who prayed are wonderful Christian ladies whom I DO look up to. It just caught me off guard that when praying for the lost, it became about rules and bad TV. I wanted to pray "Father remove the scales from OUR eyes, so we can see all people for who they are and love them and share with them. Stop judging them and look at ourselves in the mirror and know if it were not for YOU, we would be no better. God does not see our good deeds, but the blood His son shed for us. That is the only thing that saves us. Not me, not rules, only Jesus. Thank You for ALLOWING me to see."
But of course, I was worried about offending, and I know for certain I would have cried.


  1. I understand that after the first prayer, that may have been offensive.

    (If only you had gotten there first!)

    I agree with you though.
    I think our first "duty" as Christians, is to reach the unreached and the lost.
    I love the simply prayer.
    "Teach me how to love like You have loved me"

  2. This is a beautiful post, Becca.

    Thank you for reminding us that it's the PEOPLE who matter to God...and not the rules. Rules were put there to help the people...not as a judging mechanism. Although I know it's easier to judge others...than to think about His love for them...because after all, how COULD God love those people who watch BAD TV!?!

    People matter to God regardless of if they are following the rules perfectly or not. They still matter.

    I wish you'd felt comfortable enough to pray it out loud. I would be right here cheering you on. It might've changed the focus of the prayer time. And it would've been beautiful for you to cry over this. That's passion for the people Jesus loves...

  3. Becca,
    I found your blog by accident.. well actually by God's leading .. This is Susan Mayfield, ABSS parent... First, congrats on the baby! You are so blessed! Second, thank you for blessing my heart today and for reminding me that without my Precious Father I am nothing! He saved me because He loved me first, not because of anything I did to deserve it. Our children CAN face tomorrow because of His love and salvation. Again, thank you for the post. I will continue to read your blog.

  4. Thank y'all for the comments. I typed that not knowing if I would publish it b/c I didn't want to come across as just complaining about the others.
    Susan, I'm glad you found me :)

  5. I'd like to hear you pray sometime. I don't think I ever have before.
