Monday, September 21, 2009


Levi will be here by October 13th :) My doctor is out of town on the 12th, so that wasn't an option unless I wanted another doc... which of course, I don't. Hope he waits until the 13th too b/c I sure don't want to have him over the weekend when who knows who could be the doc on call- they share weekends with other clinics.
I actually lost 3 lbs. Doc said it was normal to fluctuate at this stage... though I've never done that before. I'll take it though! Right now I don't weigh any more than I have in past pregnancies, but still have 3 weeks to go. Don't know that I'll be able to continue saying that! Regardless, I know it will be tough to lose this time. I'm not 26 anymore! Breastfeeding takes a big ol chunk of it off- every time baby goes thru a growth spurt, I lose 5 lbs... but that last 15 lbs or so will take a bit more work I'm sure. Thankfully church has all brand new exercise equipment. I will take advantage of that as soon as I can.
Don't have much progress to report. I'm dilated to 1, but not very effaced. Doc was surprised this being my 5th pregnancy and all. BUT, I'm glad. Levi needs to stay in there a bit longer and I'd just assume him wait until the 13th. Makes planning for the other kids a lot easier... no middle of the night phone calls, no rushing around trying to tie up loose ends before going to the hospital... and of course, no water breaking in public :) My mom will come down Monday night (I have to be at the hospital at 5am). Her birthday is also the 13th. She'll stay here until we come home from the hospital.
The drywall is finished. I would take pictures except I could barely handle the smell just to walk down the hall and check it out. I turned the air on and hope the smell improves before tonight. From my quick check, it looks great.
We'll start painting on Thursday and will get the trim done Saturday (David hopes in time for kick-off). He will probably lay the carpet himself after that. We have it, just need to borrow the tools. Do have to buy padding though. Then we'll hopefully have 2 weeks for the room to fumigate from the various smells before baby enters it.


  1. So if I have breastfeeding questions - I can call you, right? :) I didn't get to take the class, so I'm hoping the lactation consultants at the hospital can help me, but once I get home - I'm on my own! YIKES!

    I'm so excited for you...your baby will be here in a few short weeks!!

  2. Hope everything goes as planned, baby and construction-wise!
