Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rest of the Week

Elijah got better :) Once he got antibiotic in him for the ear infection, the croup cleared up. We went to Ft Smith for the weekend. We wanted to make one more trip before Levi makes his debut, and David had gotten a hold of tickets for himself and Abigail, Noah, Isaac, and Grampa. Abigail and Isaac decided they didn't want to go so my brother was able to join them instead.
All day Saturday I was experiencing some pretty intense pain. I was also contracting. I had to stop while at Wal-Mart to let things calm down before walking again. I attributed it to being 36 weeks pregnant with my 5th child... and nothing else. I told David the difference b/t the contractions I was having then and the ones I've been experiences since about 25 weeks (I don't remember exactly when they started, just that it was really early) was that these were starting while moving and the others always started once I sat down.
THEN that night they were really going strong, at about 7 minutes apart. I imagine had I been in Little Rock and David was with me, I wouldn't have been so concerned. I could have called my doc, gone to L&D, been given some meds to stop labor... and be sent back home...but with him being in Fayetteville and me being 2.5 hrs away from any doctor I knew... I was getting worried. I didn't want to go to a hospital I had only visited as a too curious child who would walk there to peek at the babies in the nursery.
Facebook and the internet to the rescue :) I read that a warm bath with epsom salt can calm the uterus... and a friend told me taking benedryl can. I did both and they did stop. I don't know if they were real contractions. I go to the doctor tomorrow and I guess I'll know when he tells me if I've progressed at all. It has me a bit more anxious to get everything ready. Hopefully the room will be done by this weekend. The carpet may not be laid, but I don't even care. We have the carpet and if all I can do is roll it out, fine. I'll deal. At least I'll have walls, electricity, and air conditioning (ok, and TV).
I also have a ton of stuff to get done at school. Not only in preparing my students for All Region and the PBS special we're recording at AETN on Nov 3... but also a bunch of paperwork type stuff that comes with the territory. I need to get busy!
Today was good. I didn't have the pains I was having all day yesterday except for a little bit tonight. I won't be taking any more road trips though :)
Took some pictures of the kiddos while at my mom's... and a new belly shot of me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the contractions have calmed down. I didn't know that about benadryl and epsom salts. I take a bath in epsom salts OFTEN because my body is aching so bad at the end of the day...and I take benadryl every night to sleep (per doc's instructions). I don't know if I would know what a contraction feels like!

    You're looking good for 36 weeks!! Cute pics of the kiddos too. :)
