Friday, February 26, 2010

Sweet Baby fell asleep

while sitting up. So cute :)
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The little cuddlebug :)

I have a little more time in the mornings due to chapel. Levi had a blowout and got a bath. Now he's peacefully sitting in my lap.
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My littlest cuddlebug

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Good Morning!

He was in mid-stretch.
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Last week was a whirlwind. Tuesdays are always crazy. I take Levi and Elijah to church at 9, teach, pick them up at 12:30 come home and get Elijah in bed at 1. Leave for honor choir at 2:30 (last week I got ready for the Palin thing during this lil break). Teach honor choir til 4:15 (last week I let out at 4) and get home at 4:30. That's the norm. Last week we left for the Palin thing at 5 and got home at 9:30. That is a LOT of time away from babies! It was tough.
Wednesday was the usual school and church thing- but we skipped Retro Kids bc I had to get all the laundry done before leaving for All State on Thursday. Left at 8am for All State. Was there (with Levi) until Saturday. Got home long enough to drop off dirty clothes and pack up the family to head to Ft Smith. Went to the Sebastian Co Lincoln Day dinner- was to sing Nat'l Anthem but mike didn't work. It was rather pointless since everyone joined in. Sunday School and church in Ft Smith- back in LR at 7:30 pm.
My house was of course a wreck with me gone and I'm slowly getting thru it but aaaaahhhh ready for a break!
Tomorrow is Isaac's birthday so will be taking treats to his class. Saturday is his party.
Next week is CPA (contest) for my choir. So it will be a bit crazy too.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

And now

Levi is sound asleep. Isn't he cute? My student went to dinner with my other student and her parents so I ordered room service and stayed in. Got me a chicken salad sandwich and creme brulee- my two faves. Odd combination but I ate the brulee hours after the sandwich with that decaf
Talked to Elijah today. He is doing well and having fun. David took the other three to Larry's. Then the boys got much needed haircuts. I'm sure they are enjoying the daddy time too- especially since he has been so busy.
Now it is my turn to turn in early. I've already checked to make sure student is in his room and I can now go to bed :)
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Came back to the room

After lunch and this beauty greeted me. The pods the REAL cream... Notsomuch the paper cups... But it was a great cup of coffee none the less. Had a decaf cup tonight using a glass to avoid the cardboard taste those cups left behind. Gonna have to see if you can buy these little machines bc I am loving the coffee.
Ok so I came back to the room after lunch and a little shopping detour. But it was a failed trip. I want some cowboy boots. Went to a western store between a gun store, pawn shop, and tobacco outlet. You'd think I'd findsome but they only had one pair I liked. Felt like I was standing on a tennis ball. I'm flat footed and these things had high HARD arches. Apparently I may have a hard time finding boots that don't fit like that.
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All State Day 1

Wish there was a way to blog from my BB and include more than one picture. I have 3 so I guess I'll break this into 3 posts.
Today has gone well. This picture was taken this morning- I'm leaving the convention center to drive around and let Levi nap while students were rehearsing.
We went to lunch with my stepdad's school so my student could have some kids to hang out with. I have 2 here but the other one's parents came and she is hanging with them.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Palin Event

We had a great time. Today was tough though. I felt like all I did was wake Levi so I could feed him and then leave. I will hopefully give a real update tomorrow. For now- I'm tired and turnin in with my littlest dude
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Look who we're next to!

At the Sarah Palin event and the next table over are the Duggers :) talked to Jim Bob but it was too crowded to get both.
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Jumpin & Squealin with delight

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Levi had a good day!

Because of the snow last week, this was only Levi's 5th time to go to church. The first 4 did not go well, mainly b/c he hasn't been able to stay asleep. He falls asleep in the car, but wakes up before I can even get him in the room. Today I was armed and ready! I called David to see if he could meet me at the doors that are nearest the nursery. I normally have quite a walk b/c those doors are locked (for the safety of the children). He met me and got Elijah. I just had a few feet to walk from the car to an empty room that is connected to the room with the teachers and other babies. I plugged in a noise maker, turned it up and YEY he slept there for an hour and a half! Hopefully we'll be able to do the same tomorrow. He woke up and went for a stroll with Ms Dollie then she gave him his bottle and he took all of it. He has been so tired and cranky that he hasn't even really wanted to eat, but he does when he sees me! And that's a problem b/c Elijah is tired and needs to get home to nap. Both fell asleep in the car, but I was able to put E in the downstairs bedroom where he has stayed and Levi is still snoozing in his carseat (in the dining room). It'd be nice if this became the routine on Mon/Tues.
Tomorrow I get to go see Sarah Palin! My mom will be here and will keep the kids. I was hoping that event would be a perk of him running. It has been pretty dreadful thus far. I'm glad he's running and all... he needs to run... he is meant to do this... but it is so much time away from home. He has stuff nightly. I'm glad my mom is here 1/2 the week b/c it certainly helps, but it is still hard without dad. I hardly see him. I could go with him to some of the stuff, but I don't want to leave the kids. But I will leave them tomorrow for the Sarah Palin fundraiser. I'm really looking forward to it... just hoping my Target clothes arrive! Had a sale last week during the snow days... 25% off a $75 purchase and free shipping. According to tracking they are in LR today just not delivered b/c of the holiday... should arrive tomorrow.
I got this:
(to be worn with a tank, of course!)
and this:
I'm thinking I'll wear the long one b/c it will be cooooooooold!
Also got this:
but it isn't one I'm thinking about wearing tomorrow, just liked it. Notice how all are cut to hide a baby gut :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My sweetheart

One of them anyway.
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Elijah and 'Evi'

Elijah has his own baby Levi (he's kissing him in the picture). I got Abigail a bitty baby when she was about his age right before Isaac was born. She is now a he.
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Sitting by my side as

I watch the bits of Survivor I missed last night
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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Momma's lap

Its the place to be!
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Chugga Chugga Choo Choo

Elijah and his train.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow, and gratefulness

Since returning to work, I haven't had a full week (away from Levi) yet. Got snowed in that first Friday back. This past Friday was all state auditions and while it was very much a work day, Levi was with me. Home Monday and Tuesday (and Tuesdays are normally very full days since I have honor choir) and started late today. NEXT week I have All State Thurs-Sat in Hot Springs- Levi will go with me. Elijah will stay with Ron and Kathy. SO there is the first month back. I'm grateful for the extra time with Levi- he is too (he told me :)
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And smiling at my momma

She has to go to school today. It has been nice having her home.
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Eating my hand, watching Blues Clues...

What are YOU doing this morning?
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Chez Sanders

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Been pouring snow

For a while now. Perfect for sledding. Too bad we are totally flat.
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cutie Patootie

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Content Little Guy

Today we went to the Capitol for John Boozman's announcement. We got to know John during his brother's campaign in '98 (David was Fay's press secretary). When Isaac was 2 months old we went to DC. He met us there (He was a US Rep then too) and personally gave us a tour of the Capitol Building. We got to see areas that weren't open to the public- including where Abraham Lincoln is buried which was particularly neat for me since he's my cuz! He was such a nice man- and so understanding of my kids (Abigail had just turned 3, Noah was 20 mos).
We then went to Lake Norrell. David had to meet a few people. It was a nice drive until my car started to overheat. Guess it didn't like all the hills and speeding/slowing down thru the gravel roads. Must take it in next week. It is a bit of a problem when it is the only car your family fits in, but I can do it when my mom is here.
I have no working computer in this house. Now is the time to find great deals and I need a new coat :( The kids have managed to download viruses on my laptop (which was already old, falling apart, and had no memory... Sounds like me! Ha) and the desktop.
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Friday, February 5, 2010

All State

This was Levi at All State auditions today. We got to get up at 4:45 this morning since they we're in Jonesboro. We arrived with just a few problems- nothing major. Levi was happy the entire way, I just got turned around in Jonesboro bc my gps kept putting me where I wasn't. Should have stuck with a map. Students rode back with parents so it was just me and L for the return trip and OH MY did I get turned around! Google's route had me on farm roads and then I missed a turn (being farm roads and all- there was nothing to indicate that's where I was supposed to turn). Wound up in Egypt AR (who knew?). It is a very sad little town. Never seen anything like it. Again, gps had me all over the place but once I found my location on the map and ignored the blue dot- I got back on track. Levi got hungry and I had to stop. After that it was all the way home w/o stopping though I hadn't eaten or gone to the bathroom since 10 am! Got home at about 5pm.
Results were posted and both of my students made the All State Mixed Choir. YEY. Levi was very glad to be home, Elijah was glad to have us home, and my mom was glad that she could go home!
LONG day!
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Monday, February 1, 2010


So I had already blogged about the week before my post last night. Forgot about that :) When I post from my blackberry, I just send an email... I don't actually go to blogger to do it. I didn't think I'd posted since the Walmart trip.
Today didn't go any better for Levi. He only took 2 ounces from his bottle though I didn't feed him before taking him to church. I fed him once I got there to pick him up and he ate well. Then he fell asleep in the car. Tomorrow I plan to go earlier, take E to class, then go feed Levi at church. We'll see how how that goes. He'll have a bit longer to get hungry than if I feed him at home.
I will also try a different bottle. I've used just about everything, including the Breastflow bottle. That's all Elijah would take. I haven't tried Avent, though I think I still have some... somewhere. If I feed him when we get to church he will probably just wait for me to pick him up... which is nice b/c I won't have to pump but not nice b/c I'll have to feed him when I pick him up instead of hurrying home to get Elijah in bed. Elijah fell asleep in the car too which made it harder for him to get back to sleep once home. He did though, so no big deal. He's easy-going thank goodness. Even though he's in a toddler bed he stays in it and does what he's told. We still haven't had any discipline issues with him. He pretty much does what he's told. He only throws fits when he's tired, and I don't discipline him then b/c it is my fault he's tired. I'm crabbier than usual too when I haven't gotten enough sleep! He seems to be like Noah in that sense. Noah never needed more than a stern look. Oh if only they were all that easy!