Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Operation: Egg Drop
Monday, March 29, 2010
a realization
Sometimes I think my kids aren't getting the childhood that I had. I remember playing outside. A lot. I don't ever remember sitting around inside watching TV or being bored. I realized today that I don't remember ever playing outside and being cold. I remember being cold playing in the snow. There weren't many days with snow.
So it took me a while to realize that I remember the days I had fun. The days are now longer and my kids are outside playing. Those are the days they will remember.
So it took me a while to realize that I remember the days I had fun. The days are now longer and my kids are outside playing. Those are the days they will remember.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
My desk
Got this for $50 yesterday at the Hot Springs Village rummage sale. All the drawers are as deep as it is. They all have slats for dividers too, but only a few of them remain. Everything is solid wood. The color is reddish brown- think someone intended to antique it. I'd love to strip it down and refinish the natural wood but that is too big a project for me right now. I will finish what they started- paint it black and sand off some areas.
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Thursday, March 25, 2010
Emblem on right has dinosaur eating Christian fish
It is hard to see, I couldn't get a good picture of it 'discreetly.' Didn't want my neighbors coming out wondering why I was taking a picture of their car... Found it interesting that it has Tolerance and Celebrate Diversity bumper stickers, yet also has an emblem of a dinosaur eating a Christian fish. Seems like another case of "Celebrate MY diversity" and "Tolerate MY beliefs" but not yours.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Can you find the irony?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Levi's 4 month check up
... That he went to at 5 months :) I took him last Wednesday, but haven't had a chance to post. Things have been crazy as usual.
Levi is doing great. He weighs 17.5 lbs. He was 26.something inches long- I don't remember exactly but I think I have it written down- somewhere. Dr G asked if he was rolling over- I suppose from the look on my face he went on to say 'does he spend much time on the floor?'. I told him it wasn't the safest place for him. I love my doc (he has 6 kids)- he said 'believe me I understand' and told me not to worry about it. Levi has since, rolled over twice. Once with Abigail and once when in the upstairs hallway while I was doing laundry. He doesn't get much opportunity.
And he got two shots. He screamed when they went in but the second I picked him up he went back to flirting with the nurses and giggling away.
That's it. I was expecting the usual 'you can give cereal' bit but either he left that out bc he knows Levi is #5 or he remembered I don't give anything but breastmilk for the first year. He didn't have a problem with it with Elijah. I went to the same clinic with Isaac, but saw a different doc. That one didn't have a problem with it either- he just thought Isaac might develop 'food aversions' (he didn't). Dr G just says 'you're obviously doing a great job' (think he is referring to the fatness-E was fat too).
Nutritionally- there is nothing better. Levi absorbs the nutrients in breastmilk. While rice cereal may have nutrients listed on the side of the box- that doesn't mean Levi is able to break down all the foods and absorb those nutrients. Ever notice how baby poop tends to look like carrots when the baby ate carrots (or peas or beans- whatever)? They aren't breaking it down. Also- I spend about 45 min a day nursing L. If I bothered with baby food- I'd spend that much time cleaning up the mess. And It is free- except for all the extra food *I* eat to make up for it! Which brings me to the next benefit... Weight loss. I'm not losing fast, but I am steadily losing. And that 'food aversion' thing? Neither Isaac nor Elijah had any problem diving into table food when I gave it to them at a year. Babies will eat ANYTHING you let them. Car keys, paper, cell phone... And the final reason- this way just makes sense to me. Before those little jars, moms did not rush to add anything to babies diets besides breastmilk. That's a new thing. I see no reason to rush. I know it sounds crazy to most, and I'm ok with that :)
You can see the adorable picture I posted earlier. This post will have to stay bare :(
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Levi is doing great. He weighs 17.5 lbs. He was 26.something inches long- I don't remember exactly but I think I have it written down- somewhere. Dr G asked if he was rolling over- I suppose from the look on my face he went on to say 'does he spend much time on the floor?'. I told him it wasn't the safest place for him. I love my doc (he has 6 kids)- he said 'believe me I understand' and told me not to worry about it. Levi has since, rolled over twice. Once with Abigail and once when in the upstairs hallway while I was doing laundry. He doesn't get much opportunity.
And he got two shots. He screamed when they went in but the second I picked him up he went back to flirting with the nurses and giggling away.
That's it. I was expecting the usual 'you can give cereal' bit but either he left that out bc he knows Levi is #5 or he remembered I don't give anything but breastmilk for the first year. He didn't have a problem with it with Elijah. I went to the same clinic with Isaac, but saw a different doc. That one didn't have a problem with it either- he just thought Isaac might develop 'food aversions' (he didn't). Dr G just says 'you're obviously doing a great job' (think he is referring to the fatness-E was fat too).
Nutritionally- there is nothing better. Levi absorbs the nutrients in breastmilk. While rice cereal may have nutrients listed on the side of the box- that doesn't mean Levi is able to break down all the foods and absorb those nutrients. Ever notice how baby poop tends to look like carrots when the baby ate carrots (or peas or beans- whatever)? They aren't breaking it down. Also- I spend about 45 min a day nursing L. If I bothered with baby food- I'd spend that much time cleaning up the mess. And It is free- except for all the extra food *I* eat to make up for it! Which brings me to the next benefit... Weight loss. I'm not losing fast, but I am steadily losing. And that 'food aversion' thing? Neither Isaac nor Elijah had any problem diving into table food when I gave it to them at a year. Babies will eat ANYTHING you let them. Car keys, paper, cell phone... And the final reason- this way just makes sense to me. Before those little jars, moms did not rush to add anything to babies diets besides breastmilk. That's a new thing. I see no reason to rush. I know it sounds crazy to most, and I'm ok with that :)
You can see the adorable picture I posted earlier. This post will have to stay bare :(
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
Such a bad blogger...
I understand when people say they don't have time to blog, view facebook, or any other computery thing. When I had a laptop, it was easy as can be. My laptop only recently died, but it stopped being an actual "laptop" long ago due to the tape holding the screen and keyboard together...and the power cord in.
Now I either use my blackberry (which takes forever, but can be done with baby in lap) or the desktop (which works again, but is SLOW).
I took my choirs to Choral Performance Assessment last Thursday. They did GREAT. Straight 'ones' which doesn't mean anything to most people :) Every judge awarded them a division I "superior" rating. They performed 2 songs "Esto Les Digo" and "Praise His Holy Name." They also sight read (and got a superior rating after the first attempt... they could have done it again). Here is the story in the AB newsletter: ABHS Choir
Saturday was Abigail's birthday party. I have pictures and will HOPEFULLY get those up this week. We had it at Bath Junkie. GREAT place to have a party. On the expensive side, so we had to limit the number of guests to just those in her class. Savvy Kids showed up... I should be able to link to whatever they print when the next edition is out.
Saturday night we had a campaign event at Lake Norrell. I got out there just fine... you drive til the road ends and turn right. Of course, that's not the case on the way back and it was DARK. Pitch black out in the country dark. I missed a turn and didn't know I was lost til I was way out of the way. Thankfully, no child was crying. I left before David and he beat me home by a long shot. I hate my lack of a sense of direction. I really need a compass in my car. Then at least I'd get a clue that I was lost when I saw that I was headed in the WRONG direction.
This week is Missions Week at school. I don't have a lot to do (the 7th/8th graders test while the high schoolers are all out doing missions... I'm giving the test), so I plan to get things done for the Junior/Senior Banquet (prom, but we also have a sit-down dinner). Today I figured out the parts to the a cappella arrangement we'll be doing (I HOPE) of "I'm Yours." They sing the guitar part, which doesn't sound so difficult... until you isolate the parts. It's hard to play them one at a time. It would of course be harder for ME to play them all at once b/c I DON'T PLAY, but the rhythm would make more sense.
And now, Levi demands my attention. Pictures SOON! (found my camera... yey)
Now I either use my blackberry (which takes forever, but can be done with baby in lap) or the desktop (which works again, but is SLOW).
I took my choirs to Choral Performance Assessment last Thursday. They did GREAT. Straight 'ones' which doesn't mean anything to most people :) Every judge awarded them a division I "superior" rating. They performed 2 songs "Esto Les Digo" and "Praise His Holy Name." They also sight read (and got a superior rating after the first attempt... they could have done it again). Here is the story in the AB newsletter: ABHS Choir
Saturday was Abigail's birthday party. I have pictures and will HOPEFULLY get those up this week. We had it at Bath Junkie. GREAT place to have a party. On the expensive side, so we had to limit the number of guests to just those in her class. Savvy Kids showed up... I should be able to link to whatever they print when the next edition is out.
Saturday night we had a campaign event at Lake Norrell. I got out there just fine... you drive til the road ends and turn right. Of course, that's not the case on the way back and it was DARK. Pitch black out in the country dark. I missed a turn and didn't know I was lost til I was way out of the way. Thankfully, no child was crying. I left before David and he beat me home by a long shot. I hate my lack of a sense of direction. I really need a compass in my car. Then at least I'd get a clue that I was lost when I saw that I was headed in the WRONG direction.
This week is Missions Week at school. I don't have a lot to do (the 7th/8th graders test while the high schoolers are all out doing missions... I'm giving the test), so I plan to get things done for the Junior/Senior Banquet (prom, but we also have a sit-down dinner). Today I figured out the parts to the a cappella arrangement we'll be doing (I HOPE) of "I'm Yours." They sing the guitar part, which doesn't sound so difficult... until you isolate the parts. It's hard to play them one at a time. It would of course be harder for ME to play them all at once b/c I DON'T PLAY, but the rhythm would make more sense.
And now, Levi demands my attention. Pictures SOON! (found my camera... yey)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Pictures: E with a hat he found. He LOVES hats and hasn't noticed some are intended for girls.
And a magnet I noticed in Kmart parking lot today. It isn't clear, but it says 'democrate' at the bottom.
I now have no computer. My laptop has died- computer guy at school said hard drive is dead. The desktop is messed up again and YEY I need to do our taxes. I don't know how I will do that without a laptop. I need to be able to work on them in the family room. But now I don't even have ANY computer. Fun!
This past Thursday was Choral Performance Assessment (contest). My choir sang SO well. I cannot tell y'all how much fun they are. They actually *listen*. I have always loved my job and felt like I had the best kids ever- but especially this year. I was so proud of them. They received Superior ratings from all the judges. The comments were great too. We qualify for state but after explaining that in order to go to State, we would have to rush to put together a spring concert- they decided not to go. We don't have time to do what we are really capable of. SO we aren't going to go to State and instead are going to give the best spring concert we can. (Translation: lots of Glee music)
I got the upstairs organized over the weekend. Made the laundry closet much more workable with the help of Elfa shelving. No longer have to use the hallway in front of the dryer to fold. Put everything on shelves freeing up the top of the dryer. Put an 'under bed' storage container on dryer (bc it is long and low) and fold there.
David is as busy as ever. I hardly see him :( and go a bit stir crazy on saturdays when I'm here with 5 kids BUT I'm glad I'm able to get some things to help me organize or I'd REALLY go nuts.
Had a scare tonight while doing laundry. Levi was on his back on the floor. E was right by me. I was RIGHT THERE watching them. I'd reach in the washer to get clothes but that was all that my back was turned. E said 'he eating'. I was worried he put paper in his mouth. Didn't know anything was around, but knelt down to investigate his mouth. Then E says 'he eating. Quarter'. And I hear L start to choke a bit. Threw him on his tummy and out comes a nickel!
I'm in the back bedroom typing on my blackberry bouncing L on my legs/tummy. He fell asleep :)
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And a magnet I noticed in Kmart parking lot today. It isn't clear, but it says 'democrate' at the bottom.
I now have no computer. My laptop has died- computer guy at school said hard drive is dead. The desktop is messed up again and YEY I need to do our taxes. I don't know how I will do that without a laptop. I need to be able to work on them in the family room. But now I don't even have ANY computer. Fun!
This past Thursday was Choral Performance Assessment (contest). My choir sang SO well. I cannot tell y'all how much fun they are. They actually *listen*. I have always loved my job and felt like I had the best kids ever- but especially this year. I was so proud of them. They received Superior ratings from all the judges. The comments were great too. We qualify for state but after explaining that in order to go to State, we would have to rush to put together a spring concert- they decided not to go. We don't have time to do what we are really capable of. SO we aren't going to go to State and instead are going to give the best spring concert we can. (Translation: lots of Glee music)
I got the upstairs organized over the weekend. Made the laundry closet much more workable with the help of Elfa shelving. No longer have to use the hallway in front of the dryer to fold. Put everything on shelves freeing up the top of the dryer. Put an 'under bed' storage container on dryer (bc it is long and low) and fold there.
David is as busy as ever. I hardly see him :( and go a bit stir crazy on saturdays when I'm here with 5 kids BUT I'm glad I'm able to get some things to help me organize or I'd REALLY go nuts.
Had a scare tonight while doing laundry. Levi was on his back on the floor. E was right by me. I was RIGHT THERE watching them. I'd reach in the washer to get clothes but that was all that my back was turned. E said 'he eating'. I was worried he put paper in his mouth. Didn't know anything was around, but knelt down to investigate his mouth. Then E says 'he eating. Quarter'. And I hear L start to choke a bit. Threw him on his tummy and out comes a nickel!
I'm in the back bedroom typing on my blackberry bouncing L on my legs/tummy. He fell asleep :)
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Friday, March 5, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
David has the pictures from Isaac's party on his phone. Hopefully I'll get those and can upload them. My camera went missing again.
David and the older boys had HuntFest Saturday afternoon-night so Abigail and I took the little boys to the mall. I wanted Elijah to build his first bear with the money he got for Valentine's Day. We went down the row of animals to stuff... he'd pick up one saying he wanted it until he got to the next bin. Then he'd put down what he had and pick that one up saying he wanted it. He totally lost interest in the animals when he reached the sounds. He said he was playing a game and wanted Sissy to play it with him. He didn't know they were sounds you could put IN the animal thank goodness (I'm not a fan of toys that make noise).

You can see Abigail was trying to get him to pick one. He decided on the Panda eventually. This is him putting the heart inside.

Then he got to step on the pedal to stuff it.

After we stuffed it, we found an outfit. He saw a bin of footballs and said "look, football game." So we got a football player outfit that came with a ball. It took a while to get him to name the panda. I kept asking and he kept saying something I couldn't understand... don't think it was a name. I said "I'm mommy, you're Elijah, what's his name?" He said "Panna." He has a real original name :)
David and the older boys had HuntFest Saturday afternoon-night so Abigail and I took the little boys to the mall. I wanted Elijah to build his first bear with the money he got for Valentine's Day. We went down the row of animals to stuff... he'd pick up one saying he wanted it until he got to the next bin. Then he'd put down what he had and pick that one up saying he wanted it. He totally lost interest in the animals when he reached the sounds. He said he was playing a game and wanted Sissy to play it with him. He didn't know they were sounds you could put IN the animal thank goodness (I'm not a fan of toys that make noise).

You can see Abigail was trying to get him to pick one. He decided on the Panda eventually. This is him putting the heart inside.

Then he got to step on the pedal to stuff it.

After we stuffed it, we found an outfit. He saw a bin of footballs and said "look, football game." So we got a football player outfit that came with a ball. It took a while to get him to name the panda. I kept asking and he kept saying something I couldn't understand... don't think it was a name. I said "I'm mommy, you're Elijah, what's his name?" He said "Panna." He has a real original name :)
We went to the food court from there. It did NOT go well. I was in line for Mandarin so-called Express. But the line had split and though I had been waiting the longest, everyone kept cutting in front of me. I was gracious for the first two, but since Abigail was trying to keep Elijah from running away in the crowded area, I lost all grace after the 2nd family tried to go in front of me. It was one of those moments that I should have kept my mouth shut and hoped no one I knew saw me. Was not a happy camper and they knew it (they also knew they were cutting in front of me). We left.
Went to Pei Wei. I had to feed Levi and while in the car I was trying to decide if it was a good idea to go in. I didn't want to get in there and have Elijah throw a fit. He's a very compiant child for the most part, but you never know. When a 2 year old throws a fit, all you can do is leave.


This is Levi in the very long line. Thankfully E was just fine. Abigail had some jewel stickers she'd put on his shirt every once in a while. It kept him occupied.

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