Monday, March 8, 2010

Pictures: E with a hat he found. He LOVES hats and hasn't noticed some are intended for girls.
And a magnet I noticed in Kmart parking lot today. It isn't clear, but it says 'democrate' at the bottom.
I now have no computer. My laptop has died- computer guy at school said hard drive is dead. The desktop is messed up again and YEY I need to do our taxes. I don't know how I will do that without a laptop. I need to be able to work on them in the family room. But now I don't even have ANY computer. Fun!
This past Thursday was Choral Performance Assessment (contest). My choir sang SO well. I cannot tell y'all how much fun they are. They actually *listen*. I have always loved my job and felt like I had the best kids ever- but especially this year. I was so proud of them. They received Superior ratings from all the judges. The comments were great too. We qualify for state but after explaining that in order to go to State, we would have to rush to put together a spring concert- they decided not to go. We don't have time to do what we are really capable of. SO we aren't going to go to State and instead are going to give the best spring concert we can. (Translation: lots of Glee music)
I got the upstairs organized over the weekend. Made the laundry closet much more workable with the help of Elfa shelving. No longer have to use the hallway in front of the dryer to fold. Put everything on shelves freeing up the top of the dryer. Put an 'under bed' storage container on dryer (bc it is long and low) and fold there.
David is as busy as ever. I hardly see him :( and go a bit stir crazy on saturdays when I'm here with 5 kids BUT I'm glad I'm able to get some things to help me organize or I'd REALLY go nuts.
Had a scare tonight while doing laundry. Levi was on his back on the floor. E was right by me. I was RIGHT THERE watching them. I'd reach in the washer to get clothes but that was all that my back was turned. E said 'he eating'. I was worried he put paper in his mouth. Didn't know anything was around, but knelt down to investigate his mouth. Then E says 'he eating. Quarter'. And I hear L start to choke a bit. Threw him on his tummy and out comes a nickel!
I'm in the back bedroom typing on my blackberry bouncing L on my legs/tummy. He fell asleep :)
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1 comment:

The Davidson Den said...

Hey, no. Our fridge is now nearly 2.5 years old. Maybe Paul is just really convincing. Or maybe because LITERALLY we did nothing to cause its demise. I simply opened the door one day and glass spilled out everywhere. There wasn't even anything heavy on it!

Your comment about the kefir made me laugh. Believe me, my kefir smells MUCH better than the kefir of which you speak. (I know from experience.) ;)

Congrats on your choir's success. Do you know Carrie Taylor? She's a choir director at Dover High, I believe. I ask because I saw on her Facebook about CPAs coming up. Just thought y'all might have met. She was my piano teacher growing up and my choir director for part of the time I was in school, and her husband was our church's youth/music director. They are a precious, precious couple.

That campaign sign is TOO funny. Sad, but funny. Speaking of...we want one of David's signs!! Let me know when we could come by and pick one up.

Do y'all have spring break this week?