Saturday, October 31, 2009
Don't forget to turn back your clocks...
You don't want to get to church an hour early and realize you lost your chance to catch up on some sleep :) I'll be home AGAIN with Levi and Elijah.
Last night we went to GSFest... it is a Halloween thing at another church nearby. Kinda like a mini-fair. We had fun when we first got there, but then it got real crowded and took too long to ride anything. We lasted 2 hrs though, which is good when you have little ones. I got a corn dog, so I was happy.
Tonight we went to the Halloween thing at our church. There was one ride, spun around fast in circles... I'd get sick on it if I made the attempt. Noah DID get sick. Didn't throw up, just made him feel bad enough to not want to do anything the rest of the night. So we ended up leaving there early too. Came home and I drove Isaac, Abigail, and Levi around trick or treating in the neighborhood (Levi was asleep in his carseat, he didn't trick or treat :) I wanted Elijah to go too but for some reason David didn't think he should go, so he stayed home and passed out candy with Noah (who got to feeling better quickly once he was home). I think Noah had more fun greeting people at the door than he would have trick or treating, but I am still a bit bummed Elijah didn't go. This would have been the first year for him to understand what was going on. He would have been pretty fascinated at ringing a doorbell and people giving you candy. And not to mention that's two bags of candy I don't get to steal from... (just kidding)
And no, there is no picture to accompany this post. I didn't take ANY! I wanted to take one as soon as we got to church, but we ate first and that was just too crazy to work in a picture. Then Levi got hungry so I stayed there to feed him and everyone ended up scattering. So I thought I'd take one as soon as we got home... but as I said... David went in with Noah and Elijah and I went out with the others. Got home and I told everyone to get in the tub... forgetting to take a picture!
I didn't think we'd be home until 8, so I didn't buy a ton of candy to pass out. One of my friends on facebook posted that she didn't know if she should pass out candy or post a sign that said "you don't want anything from us, we have H1N1." I told her I might steal that idea for when I don't want anyone coming anymore. ha But we opted to just turn out all the lights. I usually turn them out at 9 (and some rude kids still insist on banging on my door in total darkness), but tonight they went out at 8.
AND today was all region auditions. It is usually the day that I DREAD. I'm always excited for the kids auditioning, but the total and complete hate I have for the act of judging...sitting in a chair for about 8 hours STRAIGHT, no break other than a one minute potty break every few hours, listening to students sing the same 2 minutes of music, one right after the other... it just makes my head want to spin right off... it overtakes any excitement I may have. I'm glad Levi came along and got me out of it today! :) I would have been stuck there when I would have wanted to be home getting my kids ready and taking them to church. I got to just be excited for my students instead. I had 10 audition and 7 made it. The post below was letting them know. I told them I'd put it on my blog so they could check it.
Levi went thru a growth spurt. He was fussy and eating a lot more often beginning Wednesday night. But it ended today. he slept practically all day long and was back to eating every 3 hrs or so. I don't know if this pattern is going to stick, but I'm feeling ultra blessed with him eating every 3 hours after having TWO babies who ate a lot more often than that, especially at this age. Abigail ate every 3 hrs, Noah ate every 4. I don't schedule them, that's just the routine they fell into. Isaac never fell into a routine. Elijah did, but he still ate every 2.5 hrs or so at best... and that was when he was an older baby. SO if Levi settles into a 3 hour cycle, I'll be quite happy!
Last night we went to GSFest... it is a Halloween thing at another church nearby. Kinda like a mini-fair. We had fun when we first got there, but then it got real crowded and took too long to ride anything. We lasted 2 hrs though, which is good when you have little ones. I got a corn dog, so I was happy.
Tonight we went to the Halloween thing at our church. There was one ride, spun around fast in circles... I'd get sick on it if I made the attempt. Noah DID get sick. Didn't throw up, just made him feel bad enough to not want to do anything the rest of the night. So we ended up leaving there early too. Came home and I drove Isaac, Abigail, and Levi around trick or treating in the neighborhood (Levi was asleep in his carseat, he didn't trick or treat :) I wanted Elijah to go too but for some reason David didn't think he should go, so he stayed home and passed out candy with Noah (who got to feeling better quickly once he was home). I think Noah had more fun greeting people at the door than he would have trick or treating, but I am still a bit bummed Elijah didn't go. This would have been the first year for him to understand what was going on. He would have been pretty fascinated at ringing a doorbell and people giving you candy. And not to mention that's two bags of candy I don't get to steal from... (just kidding)
And no, there is no picture to accompany this post. I didn't take ANY! I wanted to take one as soon as we got to church, but we ate first and that was just too crazy to work in a picture. Then Levi got hungry so I stayed there to feed him and everyone ended up scattering. So I thought I'd take one as soon as we got home... but as I said... David went in with Noah and Elijah and I went out with the others. Got home and I told everyone to get in the tub... forgetting to take a picture!
I didn't think we'd be home until 8, so I didn't buy a ton of candy to pass out. One of my friends on facebook posted that she didn't know if she should pass out candy or post a sign that said "you don't want anything from us, we have H1N1." I told her I might steal that idea for when I don't want anyone coming anymore. ha But we opted to just turn out all the lights. I usually turn them out at 9 (and some rude kids still insist on banging on my door in total darkness), but tonight they went out at 8.
AND today was all region auditions. It is usually the day that I DREAD. I'm always excited for the kids auditioning, but the total and complete hate I have for the act of judging...sitting in a chair for about 8 hours STRAIGHT, no break other than a one minute potty break every few hours, listening to students sing the same 2 minutes of music, one right after the other... it just makes my head want to spin right off... it overtakes any excitement I may have. I'm glad Levi came along and got me out of it today! :) I would have been stuck there when I would have wanted to be home getting my kids ready and taking them to church. I got to just be excited for my students instead. I had 10 audition and 7 made it. The post below was letting them know. I told them I'd put it on my blog so they could check it.
Levi went thru a growth spurt. He was fussy and eating a lot more often beginning Wednesday night. But it ended today. he slept practically all day long and was back to eating every 3 hrs or so. I don't know if this pattern is going to stick, but I'm feeling ultra blessed with him eating every 3 hours after having TWO babies who ate a lot more often than that, especially at this age. Abigail ate every 3 hrs, Noah ate every 4. I don't schedule them, that's just the routine they fell into. Isaac never fell into a routine. Elijah did, but he still ate every 2.5 hrs or so at best... and that was when he was an older baby. SO if Levi settles into a 3 hour cycle, I'll be quite happy!
All Region
Congrats to Taylor Wentz who made 3rd chair and Andrew Russell who made 1st chair Mixed All Region Choir. And to Salina Adolph, Andi Burroughs, Hope Harper, Abby Thomas, and Lorna Kirkpatrick who made the girls chorus.
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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
This is my first attempt at using Picasa to upload pictures. Is there a way to upload more than 4 pictures into one post? I ended up creating 4 posts and then copying the Html from them and pasting it into one. Still faster than using blogger's tool.
Here is a happy Elijah with Isaac. Isaac was home this morning b/c he had a stomach ache.
Here is a happy Elijah with Isaac. Isaac was home this morning b/c he had a stomach ache.
Here E is last night... he's not exactly potty training, but he is beginning to show interest. I'd say we're at the beginning stages...
What's this? Levi's first trip to Wal-Mart...
Not sure if he'll be a thumb sucker or take a paci... I don't care as long as he does one of them :)
My grandmother (dad's mom) died today. Apparently it was fast. My aunt got a call that she had a cold and then not long after that, she got a call that she had died. She was 98, so it wasn't anything totally unexpected. She lived a long full life that is for sure. She was raised on a dairy farm in VA, married a Marine and returned to her childhood home while my grandfather was in Iceland during WW2. He was 13 years older than her and died in 83 (or so? I was 7 or 8). After he died I remember her going on lots of trips all over the world. Then about 10 years ago she started going downhill mentally, but physically was still doing well. I remember her saying more than once that she wished there was a pill you could take and just die. She said she didn't want to lose her memory- that she'd rather die if she wasn't fully able to live, and if she couldn't play bridge! So I've always felt bad for her. I'm pretty sure she forgot about me long ago, and that's ok. I didn't see her very often. My parents divorced so unless I saw her when visiting my dad during the summer, I didn't see her.
She was a neat lady. She bought me clothes and I always thought it was so cool that she could pick out a dress for me that I loved when she was in her 80s. I did love whatever she got. It was always nicer than the stuff I'd get myself. I've never had expensive taste when it comes to clothes. I'm a bargain shopper. So when I'd get something from her all wrapped in Laura Ashley paper, I knew it would be something special. She'd also hand down things she'd buy herself but then decided was "too wild" for an 80 year old. And I loved those things too! I was a teenager wearing my grandmother's hand me downs!
And that is all I have time for... I hear Levi...
She was a neat lady. She bought me clothes and I always thought it was so cool that she could pick out a dress for me that I loved when she was in her 80s. I did love whatever she got. It was always nicer than the stuff I'd get myself. I've never had expensive taste when it comes to clothes. I'm a bargain shopper. So when I'd get something from her all wrapped in Laura Ashley paper, I knew it would be something special. She'd also hand down things she'd buy herself but then decided was "too wild" for an 80 year old. And I loved those things too! I was a teenager wearing my grandmother's hand me downs!
And that is all I have time for... I hear Levi...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Lori is doing a giveaway celebrating one year of blogging. HURRY to sign up b/c it ends tonight at midnight. It is pumpkin themed and has lots of good stuff so you will want to get in on it :)
I need to do another giveaway but don't have time to get it together now... but I will... sometime... soon... hopefully...
I need to do another giveaway but don't have time to get it together now... but I will... sometime... soon... hopefully...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
In his swing
I'm so grateful his grandparents got him this swing. He loves it. Looks so comfy I'm pretty sure I'd love one too!
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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Friday, October 23, 2009
I think he likes it
That was my ARM in the picture.
Goodness! But since an anonymous commenter thought it was something else, I thought I'd remove the picture. I'm so sure I'd post a picture of THAT!! He was in my lap at that, no where near my breast. ugh
[deleted picture of Levi taking a pacifier]
I was really hoping Levi would take a pacifier since I knew I would have to be away from him for longer than I'd like come January 25. Thinking if he'll take a pacifier, he'll take a bottle. Abigail and Noah took both- but Noah was 6 wks before he'd take one- then he loved the thing til he was 2.5. I only let abigail have one at nap/bedtime once she became mobile (bc I couldn't stand the thought of her crawling to one on the floor and popping it in her mouth) and then took it away completely at 9 mos.
Isaac and Elijah took neither. At least not easily. David could get isaac to take a bottle, but no one else could. Elijah rarely took one, he usually preferred to wait for me.
I need Levi to take a bottle. I'll be away from him for about three hours every day :(
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Goodness! But since an anonymous commenter thought it was something else, I thought I'd remove the picture. I'm so sure I'd post a picture of THAT!! He was in my lap at that, no where near my breast. ugh
[deleted picture of Levi taking a pacifier]
I was really hoping Levi would take a pacifier since I knew I would have to be away from him for longer than I'd like come January 25. Thinking if he'll take a pacifier, he'll take a bottle. Abigail and Noah took both- but Noah was 6 wks before he'd take one- then he loved the thing til he was 2.5. I only let abigail have one at nap/bedtime once she became mobile (bc I couldn't stand the thought of her crawling to one on the floor and popping it in her mouth) and then took it away completely at 9 mos.
Isaac and Elijah took neither. At least not easily. David could get isaac to take a bottle, but no one else could. Elijah rarely took one, he usually preferred to wait for me.
I need Levi to take a bottle. I'll be away from him for about three hours every day :(
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Elijah obeying
I was feeding Levi. E was eating a donut, but he wanted to come in the family room and not eat at the bar. I told him he had to stay in the kitchen or put the donut down. This was his solution.
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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
LEVI'S First outings
Levi's (oops, first posting I put Elijah!) first outing was supposed to be Target Monday night. I'm pretty sure that is where I've gone the first time out with all of them. I remember going when Abigail was 5 days old b/c I just needed to get out. I've never been good at being holed up at home for days. But I had a 4th degree tear with her... it was a bad idea.
This time, I'm feeling great. David wanted Cracker Barrell and since all the boys were at his parents... it always seems like the perfect time to go out to eat since the bill will be much less :) Levi slept the entire time.

Then to Target. I knew he'd get hungry so I put him in this Moby wrap type sling I made... and to protect him from passers-by.

The next day was his doctor's appointment. Here we are waiting in Dr. Gray's office. Abigail was with me, so she took pictures. Can't see him again... b/c he's eating... again. But he's in the regular peanut style sling. I like the Moby, but it takes forever to put on. I'm thinking about modifying it into one like this. Looks easier to use.

And here Levi is all laid out on the table waiting for the nurse to measure him.

Waiting for Dr. Gray.

I thought Abigail deserved a treat (and we were starving since we didn't have time to eat before the appointment) so we went to Panera. David doesn't like it, so I go there when I can with someone else :) Levi slept again.

That night at the game... Abigail took these too.



And today... Nana and Grandaddy got Levi a swing and it got here today. It was hard to put together with Elijah in on the action. The box only kept him busy for a short while.


But it was worth it b/c Levi loved it. I was able to spend time with Elijah and fix his lunch no problem with Levi happily swinging away.

And now it's time to get out and go get Abigail, take her to piano... and take Noah back to church. David took Noah to piano. I can't wait for the lesson to finish with no DVD player.
This time, I'm feeling great. David wanted Cracker Barrell and since all the boys were at his parents... it always seems like the perfect time to go out to eat since the bill will be much less :) Levi slept the entire time.
Then to Target. I knew he'd get hungry so I put him in this Moby wrap type sling I made... and to protect him from passers-by.

The next day was his doctor's appointment. Here we are waiting in Dr. Gray's office. Abigail was with me, so she took pictures. Can't see him again... b/c he's eating... again. But he's in the regular peanut style sling. I like the Moby, but it takes forever to put on. I'm thinking about modifying it into one like this. Looks easier to use.

And here Levi is all laid out on the table waiting for the nurse to measure him.
Waiting for Dr. Gray.

I thought Abigail deserved a treat (and we were starving since we didn't have time to eat before the appointment) so we went to Panera. David doesn't like it, so I go there when I can with someone else :) Levi slept again.
That night at the game... Abigail took these too.
And today... Nana and Grandaddy got Levi a swing and it got here today. It was hard to put together with Elijah in on the action. The box only kept him busy for a short while.
But it was worth it b/c Levi loved it. I was able to spend time with Elijah and fix his lunch no problem with Levi happily swinging away.
And now it's time to get out and go get Abigail, take her to piano... and take Noah back to church. David took Noah to piano. I can't wait for the lesson to finish with no DVD player.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Quick post
I'll do a better post tomorrow with pictures. I left the camera downstairs and have a baby in my laps who is happy asleep.
Yesterday was an easy peezy day with Abigail, Elijah, and Levi at home. Noah and Isaac went to extended care at school (school was out Mon and Tues for parent/teacher conferences). Levi slept all morning and I cleaned. Today... didn't go as well. Levi had his 1 week appointment at 1pm. Having all morning to get ready and with the other boys at their grandparents, I figured it would be no problem. Levi did not sleep all morning like yesterday. We barely got there at 1. And of course, as it always goes... the half hour leading up to leave time everything went wrong that could. BUT we got there.
AND Levi is doing great. We waited to be called back in Dr. Gray's office. They always do that with the newborns. I didn't have to wait long at all (and was surprised that the waiting room only had one other person in it). Levi now weighs 9 lbs 4 oz. Breastfed babies are supposed to regain their birth weight by 2 weeks of age. He said we could wait til he is 2 months to return and said in the meantime to "avoid places like this where he could get sick." I told him we had pulled Elijah out of preschool and he said that was wise. I told him we haven't even put him in the church nursery... he said we should be in no rush to send him back and that this bug while no big deal in some... is very bad in newborns. SO?? While I didn't think I'd be taking a break from praise team... well... looks like I'll be out a while. At least until we have the flu shot clinic at school. At that point most will probably have had the shot and reduce the spread.
After that we went to Panera. Abigail took some pictures of our outing that I'll upload tomorrow. Came home for a couple of hours then went to Noah's game. I planned to watch it from the car and let E watch a DVD, but the player was not working for some reason. Or rather the screen was not showing what was playing. It just said "no signal" but the sound would play. I couldn't get it to work and E was not happy about it. He was very upset most of the time we were there. After Abigail was able to take some pictures of Noah playing, we left and got something to eat. Then we went to Barnes and Noble for the school 'book fair' (instead of doing an actual book fair, they had a day at B and N where the school got a percentage of the sales). Each kid got a book as a reward for straight As (David went to the parent teacher conferences today... they are all doing well, no concerns about any of them, and all had straight As... YEY).
It was a long day. Didn't get home til 7:45 (which is late when you want everyone bathed and in bed by 8:30).
Levi has slept most of the evening since he was awake most of the morning. Hope he still sleeps well tonight. I bet he does. That's one of the benefits of co-sleeping. They usually pick up on mama's cues and wake up to eat, but go right back to sleep.
Yesterday was an easy peezy day with Abigail, Elijah, and Levi at home. Noah and Isaac went to extended care at school (school was out Mon and Tues for parent/teacher conferences). Levi slept all morning and I cleaned. Today... didn't go as well. Levi had his 1 week appointment at 1pm. Having all morning to get ready and with the other boys at their grandparents, I figured it would be no problem. Levi did not sleep all morning like yesterday. We barely got there at 1. And of course, as it always goes... the half hour leading up to leave time everything went wrong that could. BUT we got there.
AND Levi is doing great. We waited to be called back in Dr. Gray's office. They always do that with the newborns. I didn't have to wait long at all (and was surprised that the waiting room only had one other person in it). Levi now weighs 9 lbs 4 oz. Breastfed babies are supposed to regain their birth weight by 2 weeks of age. He said we could wait til he is 2 months to return and said in the meantime to "avoid places like this where he could get sick." I told him we had pulled Elijah out of preschool and he said that was wise. I told him we haven't even put him in the church nursery... he said we should be in no rush to send him back and that this bug while no big deal in some... is very bad in newborns. SO?? While I didn't think I'd be taking a break from praise team... well... looks like I'll be out a while. At least until we have the flu shot clinic at school. At that point most will probably have had the shot and reduce the spread.
After that we went to Panera. Abigail took some pictures of our outing that I'll upload tomorrow. Came home for a couple of hours then went to Noah's game. I planned to watch it from the car and let E watch a DVD, but the player was not working for some reason. Or rather the screen was not showing what was playing. It just said "no signal" but the sound would play. I couldn't get it to work and E was not happy about it. He was very upset most of the time we were there. After Abigail was able to take some pictures of Noah playing, we left and got something to eat. Then we went to Barnes and Noble for the school 'book fair' (instead of doing an actual book fair, they had a day at B and N where the school got a percentage of the sales). Each kid got a book as a reward for straight As (David went to the parent teacher conferences today... they are all doing well, no concerns about any of them, and all had straight As... YEY).
It was a long day. Didn't get home til 7:45 (which is late when you want everyone bathed and in bed by 8:30).
Levi has slept most of the evening since he was awake most of the morning. Hope he still sleeps well tonight. I bet he does. That's one of the benefits of co-sleeping. They usually pick up on mama's cues and wake up to eat, but go right back to sleep.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
more pictures
I don't like how slow it is to upload pictures to blogger... that is my one complaint. It's the one thing I liked better about xanga. I uploaded all the hopsital pics to facebook. Some of them I got on here, but I give up getting the rest on here. It just doesn't want to cooperate. So, you can go here to see them.

Mom just left
and David goes back to work tomorrow, so I'll get a taste of reality before the boys spend the night with David's parents on Monday. The kids don't have school Monday and Tuesday b/c of teacher inservice and parent/teacher conferences. Isaac and Noah will go to extended care, otherwise David would need to stay home a bit longer. But with them gone, it makes it easier with Elijah. Isaac will occasionally antagonize him and get him into fit throwing moods.
Levi is doing great. He eats every 2-3 hrs. I don't know if that will last, but so far he hasn't shown the constant need to nurse that Elijah and Isaac had. He sleeps a lot, very well at night. He eats, but doesn't really wake up. My nursing nest arrived yesterday so we used it last night. He likes it :) It also allows me to nurse both sides without having to move him. I had forgotten about that benefit.
He isn't as jaundiced as the others were at this point either. I don't worry about newborn jaundice b/c I know it is normal, but he still looks prettier without it :) His 1 week appointment is with Dr. Gray, who saw him in the hospital. After the first week appointment, he saw Elijah for all his well checks. When E had his one week, he saw a much more 'cautious' doctor who wanted him to do the heel prick thing to fill a vial and check for jaundice. I was so mad at myself for not speaking up and allowing that test b/c I KNEW his levels were going down... and as long as they are going down and not up... its not a cause for concern. He had the first test done and I was supposed to bring him back for another test to see if they were indeed going down, but since the first test showed the level wasn't high enough to worry about (which I knew) and it took 30 screaming minutes to fill the vial... I wasn't putting him thru that again.
SO I was for sure and for certain not going to put Levi thru that. I don't think Dr. Gray would be as nervous about it, but I don't think he looks as yellow either. Right now he's sitting in my lap on the boppy cooing away :) I think this room has made the difference. There is a LOT of natural light in it.
David took Noah to his football game. It rained Tuesday so the game was cancelled... Noah was relieved to not have to miss one. All the kids are in the bonus room with me. Elijah is getting more used Levi and isn't crawling all over the two of us.
I'm feeling good. Tired, but good. I'm not even sure why I'm so tired b/c I'm sleeping pretty well at night and getting a nap in during the day. That will all end soon though! Other than the reprieve I'll get tomorrow night when the kids go to the grandparents, things will soon be 'back to normal.'
Levi is doing great. He eats every 2-3 hrs. I don't know if that will last, but so far he hasn't shown the constant need to nurse that Elijah and Isaac had. He sleeps a lot, very well at night. He eats, but doesn't really wake up. My nursing nest arrived yesterday so we used it last night. He likes it :) It also allows me to nurse both sides without having to move him. I had forgotten about that benefit.
He isn't as jaundiced as the others were at this point either. I don't worry about newborn jaundice b/c I know it is normal, but he still looks prettier without it :) His 1 week appointment is with Dr. Gray, who saw him in the hospital. After the first week appointment, he saw Elijah for all his well checks. When E had his one week, he saw a much more 'cautious' doctor who wanted him to do the heel prick thing to fill a vial and check for jaundice. I was so mad at myself for not speaking up and allowing that test b/c I KNEW his levels were going down... and as long as they are going down and not up... its not a cause for concern. He had the first test done and I was supposed to bring him back for another test to see if they were indeed going down, but since the first test showed the level wasn't high enough to worry about (which I knew) and it took 30 screaming minutes to fill the vial... I wasn't putting him thru that again.
SO I was for sure and for certain not going to put Levi thru that. I don't think Dr. Gray would be as nervous about it, but I don't think he looks as yellow either. Right now he's sitting in my lap on the boppy cooing away :) I think this room has made the difference. There is a LOT of natural light in it.
David took Noah to his football game. It rained Tuesday so the game was cancelled... Noah was relieved to not have to miss one. All the kids are in the bonus room with me. Elijah is getting more used Levi and isn't crawling all over the two of us.
I'm feeling good. Tired, but good. I'm not even sure why I'm so tired b/c I'm sleeping pretty well at night and getting a nap in during the day. That will all end soon though! Other than the reprieve I'll get tomorrow night when the kids go to the grandparents, things will soon be 'back to normal.'
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
me updating something :) 10:50am

Abigail, happy to be there. 10:51am

There was lots of time to kill... Abigail made posters. 12:30pm

and goofed off with Daddy. 12:48pm



David's mom. 1:44pm

About time to start...1:54pm

One more group picture... (Elijah had gone to the house to nap with my mom earlier) 2:14pm


Labor had just begun and David thought it'd be a good time to say "smile!" I did not agree... according to the time stamp, this was 2:49, so I guess it didn't start as early as I thought b/c this was right at the beginning, that much I do remember :)

Ta-da! 3:04pm















Elijah and my mom 5:05pm

And that's what I was able to upload today... will try to do more tomorrow...
Abigail, happy to be there. 10:51am
There was lots of time to kill... Abigail made posters. 12:30pm
and goofed off with Daddy. 12:48pm
David's mom. 1:44pm
About time to start...1:54pm
One more group picture... (Elijah had gone to the house to nap with my mom earlier) 2:14pm
Labor had just begun and David thought it'd be a good time to say "smile!" I did not agree... according to the time stamp, this was 2:49, so I guess it didn't start as early as I thought b/c this was right at the beginning, that much I do remember :)
Ta-da! 3:04pm





Elijah and my mom 5:05pm
And that's what I was able to upload today... will try to do more tomorrow...
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