So I intentionally gave Elijah a mullet. He was looking shabby... as these pictures can attest. (I love the 2nd one where he and Isaac make the same face)
Isaac didn't want Elijah to get up...
I like his curls. Unfortunately, they are only in the back. His hair was getting into his eyes. I had to cut it in several stages b/c he gets tired of it after a few snips. After the fist sitting he looked like he had one of those old timey cuts with the short bangs and long sides. I didn't get a picture of that... but here he is after I trimmed the sides...
And here are some of his curls...
Time to get ready for school!
I like the curly mophead look on him, but if it gets real long and delves into a full-on mullet, then well, maybe not. But, you know what they say about mullets..."business in the front, party in the back!"
I love those curls...he has pretty hair! Now he looks like a big boy. :)
Ah, baby curls. I say hang on to them as long as you can! :) Is he feeling better these days? No more croup?
Yes, he's all better. And yeah, I *am* hanging onto them b/c I know if I chop them off, he will be ALL big boy and I just don't have it in me to do that!
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