This is after washing. Notice the bleached diapers quilted up well with just one wash, the unbleached have a way to go. I put an old unbleached newborn diaper left from Elijah's stash (sold the rest, dumb me, didn't know we'd have another baby) on top of the new ones to show the difference. I won't be using the new ones for a while so I have plenty of time to keep washing :) Click to view larger...

The flat diapers puffed up too, but I didn't take a picture of them b/c they are still, well, flat :) I did origami fold them all. They are ready to put a little baby in :)

Cleaned this thing out. It's been holding odds and ends since I stopped using it with Elijah. I put Elijah's disposables in the middle, and the folded flat diapers on either side, wipes above them, and covers on top.
I think this is called nesting. When exactly are you due? Soon, isnt' it?
Always better to be prepared~ 7 weeks(or less) will be here fast. I had my hospital bag packed at 30weeks w/the 1st two and people teased me...well I had no packed bag at 27 weeks when we dashed are butts out the door ,only grabbing the camera(thank God)and nothing ready at home(for the T man)....keep up the good work!
I am so impressed...I tried G-diapers with James, but I just didn't stick to it. Major snaps to you girlie!!
Boy, you've been a busy bee!!
Thanks...I like the (hair) change more than I thought I would. I dont know why I care ,but I was worried what people would think or say(my sister hates it-she thinks blond is crazy ,but she loves to have something to make fun of). Matt loves it! Buuut I think at some point I'll try to convince him of the red. He always liked it red before:)I think the red would be much easier matinence than the blond.
I seem to remember you once having the red hair color I'm talking about..didn't you??
I seem to remember you once having the red hair color I'm thinking of..didn't you?? for a pagent maybe??
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