I really didn't want to do any more shopping, but every Sunday I struggle to find something to wear. I got a dress at Target that was not on sale b/c I was desperate. I really don't want to do that again, so online I went. All of these were on clearance, $7-$10. The reviews weren't great, but at these prices, I don't expect much. I'm a little worried about length since many reviews said they were shorter than they appear in the picture (and I've had that problem with Target before) but we'll see. I think I can probably "dematernitize" the dresses with a few alterations too.
I also got a few things at Walmart.com. You'd think with pregnancy #5 I'd have all I need, but this is my first time to need work clothes during hot months. Elijah was May, but I still wore mostly winter stuff except at the very end. What I did have, I took to church to pass on to a friend of mine... left it in Fellowship Hall... and don't know what happened to it after that. Makes me sick to think of what I had in that bag that I could have been wearing all this time. But oh well! Thank goodness for sales... oh and you know I'll be wearing all these with the heels, just as pictured. ha


$4.98 I got this to wear with a sleeveless (1" straps) non-maternity, but high waisted wal mart dress that I got earlier in the summer and has a full enough skirt to continue to work. Can wear it when not pregnant too.


$7.48 I never buy navy, don't think it works on me. I don't have a single navy item in my closet, but beggars can't be choosers.

This is the non-clearanced dress I bought last week.

This is the only Wal Mart item I'll post. I also got some shirts. Good prices, so if you are looking... check out the maternity at Walmart.com. I didn't care for their dresses though. Their shipping prices are much better than Target too. These were not on sale, but at $19 and GREAT reviews, I thought I'd get them. They are capri-length. Don't see many in overalls right now but hey, I'm pregnant and don't care :) These can work as my jeans. I've been wearing non-maternity jeans with a bella band up to this point, but that's not working anymore... belly is way too low to hold up anything :)
I can't believe I only have about 3 months left. My 'technical' due date is Oct 21. Online calculators and ultrasounds would have me due around Oct 17-18 and I'm sure I'll be induced by the 16th if I haven't had him yet.
Cute stuff! Our due dates are exactly 1 month apart! :)
Becca, do you freecycle?? With your family, it might be worth it to you. Freecycle.org. LOVE IT!! Great finds, by the way. Are you going to be going to the consignment sales over the next couple of months? Maybe we could go together.
thanks for stopping by!
As for the chocolate chips -- the ones I used were not gluten/dairy free... but the brand Enjoy Life Foods does make a gluten, dairy, soy and nut free chocolate chip, which is what I'll be using for my mom-in-law who is gluten free.
oh no no....these are there 4H projects.They have to care for them-we have enough animals for me to care for.
ps.love the dresses
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